THES 2006 top 25

<p>The top 25 universities</p>

<p>1) Harvard University (US)
2) University of Cambridge (Britain)
3) University of Oxford (Britain)
4) Massachusetts Institute of Technology (US)
4) Yale University (US)
6) Stanford University (US)
7) California Institute of Technology (US)
8) University of California at Berkeley (US)
9) Imperial College London (Britain)
10) Princeton University (US)
11) University of Chicago (US)
12) Columbia University (US)
13) Duke University (US)
14) Beijing University (China)
15) Cornell University (US)
16) Australian National University (Australia)
17) London School of Economics (Britain)
18) Ecole Normale Superieure (France)
19) National University of Singapore (Singapore)
19) University of Tokyo (Japan)
21) McGill University (Canada)
22) University of Melbourne (Australia)
23) Johns Hopkins University (US)
24) Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (Switzerland)
25) University College London (UK)</p>

<p>This is for last year. The link below leads to the THES ranking for 2006:</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

This is for last year. The link below leads to the THES ranking for 2006:


It's mentioned 2005 on the pdf.</p>

<p>Yay! for Normale...</p>

<p>Hey,the new 2006 THES rankings have been dispatched and guess what IIMs have shown a great leap from 84 in 2005 to 68 in 2006 and IITs slipped to 57 while JNU showed an unward trend from 192 in 2005 to 184 in 2006</p>

<p>I for one don't believe in International College Rankings. I mean, how can you reasonably compare colleges from 3rd world coutries to the ones in places like US and UK?</p>

<p>I have seen colleges in the US as well as the ones in India, they are way to different to be compared!</p>

<p>^ I totally agree with you. </p>

<p>I'm surprised that the Philippines' best university -- the University of the Philippines (UP) -- did not even make it to the Top 200 when it's a very reputable school in Asia. It has grad students from more than 50 countries and is one of the most sellective schools in the region. UP graduates are as smart those graduates of the best schools in the US and UK.</p>

<p>very unreliable ranking. Why do schools jump around so much every year? Shouldn't they stick with one methodology and update their ranking every 3 or 4 years or so?</p>

<p>Of course, the answer is all to obvious- they want to make money, rather than attempting to produce useful research product.</p>

<p>I wouldn't support blindly following the rankings but college rakings are a good place to start you college search.</p>