Thinking of Applying Last Minute to VT, any chance?

<p>I'm thinking of applying last minute to VT, but I don't want to spend 70 dollars if I have little to no chance. I'm from California and from a high ranked high school if that means anything. If anything, I would apply undeclared because I don't think my math grades are up to par to get into engineering.</p>


<p>GPA UW: 3.3
GPA W: 3.5</p>

<p>SAT: 1900
ACT: 28</p>

<p>Math classes:
Algebra II
Calc AB AP</p>

<p>Science classes:

<p>Language classes:
Spanish I
Spanish II</p>

Design I
Design II
Photography I
Yearbook (Editor)
Web/Audio Production I
Web/Audio Production II</p>

<p>4 years of English, 1 year of AP and 2 of honors</p>

<p>4 years of Social sciences, up to Civics and Economics</p>


<p>I know my GPA is rather low and that's what's going to kill me for most universities I've applied to.</p>

<p>What do you think?</p>

<p>GPAs are so inflated across different school systems that a 3.3 (out of 4?) does appear low. In the real world if you are coming from a competitive HS then a B+ average is pretty darn good.</p>

<p>You aren’t a shoo-in for VT and the question may come down to whether VT admissions knows your competitive HS. They certainly would like to have students from California. Would you go if you got in? If you are just iffy about attending then I’d suggest saving your 70 dollars. After all, you have very good options in California…Cal Poly might be considered similar to Va Tech.</p>

<p>I know so many kids who got denied from VT last year who had even better grades than you. I wouldn’t waste the 70 dollars on VT, save it for California Poly.</p>

<p>It’s not worth it man. Stay around cali, no reason to spend 70 bucks.</p>

<p>All right guys, thanks for the replies and advice, I think I’ll just save my money.</p>