<p>Hello everyone,</p>
<p>Over the past few years I've become interested in attending law school. I've been working in the computer industry for the past 12 years as a systems administrator, network architect, and software developer at different times (currently I'm the technical lead on a software development project for a company in the top 15 of the Fortune 500 list). I'm pretty sure I'd have to completely leave this career to pursue law school full time.</p>
<p>Out of high school I took advantage of the dot-com boom and skipped college to work for a startup. It was worth it and eventually I returned to my promise of attending college and getting a degree. My work agreed to pay for me to attend classes toward a BS in Computer Science, so that's what I've been doing for the past 4 years. I've been working full time and going to school full time. It has been pretty difficult, but I should be graduating in spring of 2007 with a 3.89 GPA.</p>
<p>I was originally intending to apply for Stanford for the MS in Computer Science (Systems) program because they do their Honors Co-op Program entirely through distance learning. It looked like a good way to stay employed while going through graduate school; my work would pay for (part of) tuition at Stanford as well.</p>
<p>However, I was looking at Stanford Law School's page about cyberlaw and Harvard Law School's page about the Berkman Center and I got the itch again. I am studying for the GRE right now and plan to study for the LSAT during my bachelor program's winter break.</p>
<p>I welcome any comments about my current path and how it will affect, negatively or positively, my chances in attending law school. My questions for everyone here are:
* Will it be a hard fight for admission to one of the top 5 schools considering I havent done any research or publication?
* Does my experience on my resume help with the selection process?
* Is there a sea of people like me wanting to switch my career that Ill be competing against?
* If I complete my 1L at a local law school (University of Kansas), will it be easier to transfer into a top 5 school?
* What do you guys do for health insurance while in law school? This is the major hurdle for my wife since we have an 8 month-old son and she owns her own business (i.e., insuring one family by yourself is expensive).</p>
<p>Thanks in advance,