Thinking of switching my major, lots of questions?

So I applied early action to som and I got deferred to regular and still haven’t heard back, 2000 sat (1360 CR+M) and a 92 weighted gpa so i’m not really a weak candidate, but I’m starting to realize that I would like engineering a lot more than business. Is it too late to call them and tell them I want to switch my major and be considered for Watson? Would it put me at a disadvantage at this point? Also how reputable is Watson, I can’t find any rankings online so would I have a good chance at landing a job right after graduating?

nevermind, I’m sticking to som.

You can simply switch major and render a Intra-University transfer after you get admitted.

That is incorrect.

Sorry, but I am correct.

If you actually took the time to thoroughly read the requirements in regard to Intra-University transfer, you will learn I am correct. Instead of bluntly condemning legitimate, and indeed correct, answers on this forum, I urge you to inform yourself prior to commenting.

In addition, the OP didn’t assert whether or not he is starting out as a freshman or as a transfer. Hope you know that there are distinct requirements and criteria for each.