<p>hope it s not liek this at uiuc this fall</p>
<p>dude its college confidential...and since all the admissions are done...whats to talk about...if u rly want ppl to talk to...join <a href="http://www.thefacebook.com%5B/url%5D">www.thefacebook.com</a></p>
<p>Where are you guys on facebook? [makes face] My facebook URL is my website (just click the name)</p>
<p>how dya access ur uiuc mail account ??</p>
<p>To acess your UofI email account, i believe that you have to have gotten your net-id and password in the same mailing that contained your orientation confirmation. You use those to log onto cites.uiuc.edu then creates a cites password. It's smooth sailing from there.</p>