this is an odd situation I am in, need some thoughts before I start applying.

I am 23 years old. An undergraduate at a top 50 public business school major–accounting. I have found my self in a rather odd situation involving my application.

brief history of academic career.

1.) I attended a small private college and left after 1 semester with 15 credits of F’s, with GPA:0.00

2.) arriving back home, I enrolled in a Community college and completed 58 credits with a GPA:3.3
a. this includes 3 F’s

3.) THEN, at 20 years old I enrolled at A Public University, top 50 public business school and completed 141 credits
(will be 4 years) with a GPA:3.65
a. lowest grade recorded is 1 C

LSAT: 169. I studied for almost 9 months to receive this score.

The situation arrives from the LSAC.GPA or UGPA this is the allotted total snapshot of your career as an undergraduate student from every institution you attended. The LSAC averages every credit hour you ever attempted into one!

By my calculations my LSAC.GPA / UGPA stands at a : 2.9 - 3.1… due to the 24 credit hours of 0’s added to the UGPA.

Any thoughts on this and how it will effect my chances at better law schools. will schools see this and understand that my recent four years is a better understanding of my academic ability, or will I need a addendum. If someone with experience could help me out with some thoughts that would be very appreciated!

Work for a couple of years to put some distance between those bad grades, and enable you to claim that you have matured from your 18-year old self.

Law schools primarily care about two numbers: undergrad GPA+LSAT. A 169 is a fine score, but do you think you could do better with a retake? A couple of extra points would open more LS doors.

Sure an addendum can help mitigate, but won’t make up for a bunch of F’s. Also, make sure that you don’t make excuses, just state relevant facts.

Good luck.