<p>Okay so I just have a couple of questions on how certain things will help, hurt, or not affect me at all.</p>
<p>I attend a decent public high school in GA.</p>
<p>4.0 UW
4.5 W </p>
<p>I'm only going to be a Sophmore next year though haha.</p>
<p>I skipped a grade, granted it was first grade, so i'm a year younger than all my peers will this have any affect(i don't think so)?</p>
<p>I am not a US citizen i'm british as are both my parents, i have been in the us for 5 yrs again, any affect?</p>
<p>And lastly neither of my parents went to college, most didn't when they were growing up in england, but they were trained through their employers... is this considered first generation to go to college?</p>
<p>It's been my dream to go to Oxford, i know they don't look at EC's or Volunteer... i'm extremely academic although i do play softball... and my school offers very few clubs that even remotely interest me so i definately lack there. My school also doesn't offer AP classes until jr year and the only honors offered out of the 8 class required are 4 i took all, and am taking all but two next year... Latin 2 and band... neither are offered in honors is this okay? i plan to take as many AP as possible jr and sr year. i obviously haven't taken the SAT, well in 7th grade but i was 11 so that is no indicator haha so if you could give me some feedback it would be greatly appreciated thx!!!</p>
<p>There is no way to tell what you're going to do in a year or two. We can't do anything without sophomore year grades, junior year grades, or at least some kind of test scores. Sorry =[. Come back in a year or so and we'll be much more helpful =]. </p>
<p>If I'm not mistaken, it doesn't matter to Oxford whether or not your parents went to college (I could be wrong. I know they don't use legacies.). And no, it won't make a difference whether or not you skipped 1st grade lol =].</p>
<p>Just keep going the way you're going. Good luck!!</p>
<p>with all that info you gave us, id have to say 100% you're in..... lol jk. but you obviously care, so i'm sure you'll do well.</p>
I am not a US citizen i'm british as are both my parents, i have been in the us for 5 yrs again, any affect?
Unfortunately yes, a HUGE one when it comes to finance. You will be treated as an overseas student and have to pay 5x the price of UK/EU students. It's not based on citizenship but on payment of taxes. If your parents have not paid taxes in an EU country for at least the last 3 years, then any UK school will make you pay over the odds. You will also not be elligible for the UK government subsidised loans or UK financial aid (I think if your parents are in the US because they are working for the UK government you'll be ok though.)</p>
And lastly neither of my parents went to college, most didn't when they were growing up in england, but they were trained through their employers... is this considered first generation to go to college?
Again if you lived in England yes, but in the US no. Oxford and many other UK unis run summer schools for under-represented groups. Which include people who are the first in their family to go to uni and ethnic minorities. These are FREE if you attend a UK state (free) school (and these are also the only summer classes run by Oxford uni. Anyone who actually paid for a sumemr school did not attend anything to do with Oxford. They rent out their rooms in the summer to tutorial schools but these have nothing to do with Oxford uni itself).</p>