This is Happening

<p>To capture those “last time” moments:</p>

<p>Cap and Gown order due today, and</p>

<p>Realizing that DD’s birthday last week was the last she’d ever spend at home.</p>


<p>I know what you mean. Cap & gown orders were placed in November here, but a sheet came home yesterday asking how DD2 wants her name to appear on her DIPLOMA! That word really hit me between the eyes for some reason.</p>

<p>For those of you who are having a kid graduate for the first time, one warning. Do not be surprised and think that either you or your child has lost his/her mind when very close to graduation, they begin doing really childish things. I discovered last time that apparently this is pretty common. I was at a party store buying finger paint and paper as my senior son wanted to have a finger paint party. Met another woman who was buying bubbles and wands for her senior kid- at the kid’s request. Started asking around and it seemed it was pretty common, and everyone was embarrassed and thinking it was just their kid. It ended up being funny once we realized it is just something they do.</p>

<p>Thank goodness…that explains the chalk drawings on the driveway…</p>

<p>Thanks for the warning AAAtjmom !</p>

<p>My DD’s birthday is later this month … and it will be the first (I know of many) that I will not be with her. I told my co-workers to expect cake that day just to help me celebrate.</p>

<p>Enjoy the senior moments - it will go so quickly from now until you are unloading the car on campus.</p>

<p>My poor kids never get to celebrate a birthday at school. D1 was born 12/31 and D2 11/24. </p>

<p>We ordered cap/gown awhile back as well. D1 has been doing some things that have me banging my head against the wall. This bad case of Senioritis better hurry up and get over with. If I could get her a shot to cure it, I would. She started showing symptoms as soon as school went back after the break. UGH! Hoping that the trip later this month for Preview will be a snap-to of sorts. </p>

<p>Next year D1 will be a frosh in college and D2 a frosh in high school. It is going to be rather weird around the house.</p>

<p>OMG-I didn’t even think of the birthday thing! DS’s is in 2 weeks-the big 18. Wow, next year I’ll be a mess! </p>

<p>I did make him (and his younger brother) go with me to Universal and Islands of Adventure on their last 4 day weekend to “do” Harry Potter! His brother just doesn’t have the same appreciation for theme parks or Harry Potter. Walking out of that park on the last day was a big nostalgic moment realizing that would probably be our last time doing that.</p>

<p>I am also hoping the Preview trip sparks some enthusiasm for the rest of the semester. </p>

<p>The kids at D2’s school have been having an ongoing nerf war since September. The coup de gras is to shrink wrap the last standing team member’s car. D2 had to cut her way into her car this Sunday in order to get to her volunteer gig at the hospital. I didn’t even know she was on a team. I guess not all of those study sessions involved studying…</p>

<p>D’s birthday is in June so we should get a few more with her. Oldest S has his birthday in January and for his freshman year and my first birthday without him I sent a birthday party in a box. It was themed like a typical 8 year old party. It had an envelope with money for pizza and soda. I packed Pokemon plates cups and napkins. Sent some party games and even goodie bags with candy and silly string and toys for eight people. My D thought for sure it would embarrass her big brother but he loved it as did his roommate and friends, and it helped me still feel a part of his birthday.</p>

<p>@MSUBAMAmom - great idea for a birthday party in a box! I think I will copy that …</p>