This is pretty ridiculous

<p>Another thing. It is refreshing to see someone with these stats get in and they are not a "Football player" I know someone who got a full reide with stipend because he can play football. His family's efc had to be high as his dad makes over 200,000 a year. but because he plays football and well he got a full ride including dorming, a teachers aid and a personal academic coach to help him academically. this guy has only been in the united states for 2 years and did not even have to take the sat's to get in. So how is that for admissions. Is that fair?</p>

<p>languages1 shame on you for disparaging athletes. I believe your example (athletic admissions) is just as fair as your daughter's situation (Under represented minority). The student you speak of has a talent that deserves to be recognized (athletic). In order to be a college athlete that student has worked hard to become one of the top 1% of their peers at what they do. Becoming that good took talent and work way above and beyond what other high school athletes accomplished. Athletes put in upwards of 20-30 hours a week to their sport in addition to doing the same challenging school work their peers are doing. Athletes bring something valuable to the college campus just as do great writers, musicians, scientists, and entrepreneurs. They are given a leg up through recruitment because they have earned it through hard work, talent and accomplishment.</p>

<p>Every division 1 athlete has to earn qualifying scores on either the sat or the toefel (?)or both. Each year there are reports of talented athletes who could not qualify through the NCAA Clearinghouse (grades, tests, req. course work) so the football player you spoke of obviously met the minimum national standards to be eligible for admissions, plus whatever the UC required of him. Just so you know, athletes are not allowed to be given money. A stipend that covers room and board and books can be given but not in addition to dorm rooms, etc. They do get per diem during the season and a few allowable travel expenses as approved by the ncaa, but most athletes would have a hard time getting by on their scholarships alone. They also are liable for taxes on all scholarship monies that are not used expressly for books, tuition, and school fees. So, if they have either a dorm room or stipend that is valued at 14,000.00, they have to declare that as income and pay taxes on it. It isn't unlike a regular student taking a 20-30 hour a week work study job to pay their way through school, working nights, weekends, holidays, and summers. The big bonus these days is that, due to their talent, one the university values and decides adds value to their class, they gain admission to a good school. Also- NO ONE outside of the admissions office sees a particular application in its entirety, so any talk of how someone got in with these or those stats is conjecture and rumor.</p>

In short, to answer your question, I dont know. Too me, awarding points to URM would be a form of affirmative action based on gender/race/ethnicity, so if the UC is indeed using this practice, it seems to go against prop 209.
This press release from UCSB is where I got my information regarding the UC withholding race/ethincity from the campuses until admission. 8th paragraph 2nd sentence
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>It's funny that jaynele is the first one to tell everyone to stop picking on the 'black guy' when in my thread, she was the first one to call my SAT score too low and that I would never get into the school that I was interested in.</p>

<p>I'm Asian by the way.</p>

<p>I guess she's practices affirmative action in deciding who to be nice to! Haha.</p>

<p>it's funny that murkeywater religiously subscribes to my posts, carefully researches them, and tells others what a terrible person i am. i think i'm her hero. you are right about EVERYTHING, murkey water. you will get into damn princeton. leave me alone. </p>

<p>i really like black people more than i like you. i can't help it.</p>