This is pretty ridiculous

<p>I found this in another thread. I never would have thought that race is THAT much of a factor in the holistic admisisons process.</p>

<p>“admitted to UCB, UCLA, UCD
black male
2.8 cummulative GPA
1650 SAT’s
No sports
No clubs
No amazing amounts of community service
and he isn’t a good writer either (for the essays)”</p>

<p>If this is legit I find it astounding. What do you guys think?</p>

<p>i think the holistic admissions process is f'd up big time and ucla sucks for changing their admission process.</p>

<p>Yea. I really lost faith in the UC system after I found this out (if its true). Like I know of people /w 4.0 uw, legacy, 2100s, and ECs getting rejected. I guess that's just life.</p>

<p>That has to be a joke. You can't even apply unless you have a 3.0.</p>

<p>If his writing comes off as sincere, the UC's will give him a chance? I agree though, holistic is almost wholly meant to up the number of URMs at the UCs.</p>

<p>I guess the 2.8 has to be uw.</p>

<p>I found this on another forum too, how about this guy,</p>

<p>SAT scores
<a href=""&gt;;/a>
UC App:
<a href=""&gt;;/a>
Accepted to UCLA:
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>His GPA is pretty low too and he's asian</p>

<p>i think the admission officers just got tired </p>

<p>and all sat down in a meeting room</p>

<p>they placed a transparent ball in the middle of the room</p>

<p>and they UC APP IDs out to see whos admitted</p>

<p>next time, write good essays...?</p>

<p>stop picking on black people.
i hate people complaining about affirmative action and whatnot.
if you are qualified, then you will get in, regardless of your race!
believe it or not, white people get into ucla! into harvard! and into other competitive schools! </p>

<p>how would you know if he wrote good essays or not? maybe he got them proofread by many teachers/ counselors. plus, i think those stats are a bit exaggerated. there is a minimum gpa required of uc applicants-- 3.0
GENERALLY, many african americans live in poor districts. they do not have accesses to resources that high/middle income students have. they work. they support their family. stereotypes. racism. black community pressure. unstable families. crappy schools.</p>

<p>leave them alone, unless you have thoroughly reviewed/read through their application.
get your facts straight too.</p>

<p>hey guys chilllll! this is what i think. if he doesnt academically deserve to get in to cal, and he goes there..he will probably suffer big time cus cal is TOUGH and not for kids who get 2.8s and 1600s. right? he may have gotten lucky but college wll probably be harder than him than it will be for you...and thus he will get screwed pretty badly. think big picture!</p>

<p>wow...those stats have to be exaggerated.</p>

<p>it's really *****ed up if this is true.</p>

<p>"I hate people comlaining about affirmative action and whatnot. if you are qualified, then you will get in"</p>

<p>ha ha ha. that's some pretty ignorant crap. being qualified doesn't necessarily mean you'll get in, and affirmative action ensures that there are even less spots for those who are "qualified"</p>

<p>atlantiz - While that may be likely, people are concerned because they are losing spots that are going to less-qualified URMs (They really don't care about how well that URM will do at Berkeley, but instead they care about that spot at Berkeley that he is taking up that could have gone to someone else that is more qualified).</p>

<p>you really shouldn't judge this applicant by the limited amount of information you have
perhaps he overcame some steep odds to get the grades and scores that he did?
you have no idea of the background
I believe there are ways that below 3 GPA can be considered
maybe he was elc?</p>

<p>don't be so quick to point a finger and judge!</p>

<p>why are you guys so quick to judge? you don't know his background information.</p>

<p>like jaynele said he may have had a hard time getting the scores and GPA. He probably worked harder than most people with 4.0 GPAs. </p>

<p>People always complain but they never stop to look at the opportunities they had: their own room, quiet for study time, not having to take a job to help support your family, great opportunity to take APs and Honors classes.</p>

<p>again, why are you so quick to judge. it's not like the UC's walk the streets handing out spots to anybody.</p>

<p>if you didn't get in and you think you were qualified you can always appeal.</p>

<p>also SIR LOINSTEAK</p>

<p>i'm looking at the scores and they're pretty high actually. 1930 for SAT I</p>

<p>and 720 on Math level II. he might not have very high scores on the english part or history but afterall he WAS accepted into an engineering major. </p>

<p>my friend got into UCLA with an SAT score of under 1800 and a 3.89 weighted GPA, while the number 2 guy in our class got rejected (seems like everybody else is more upset about this than he is. haha kinda ironic) So my friend must have had something that caught the reader's attention in his application.</p>

<p>I had the same grades as my friend, higher SAT scores, probably more extra curricular but I didn't get in. Do i think it's unfair? Yeah at times, but hey it wasn't ment to be. I'm going to UCSD which is a great school (still thinking about UCI though) so i'm excited.</p>

<p>I think that was a joke.</p>

<p>I think it is possible. Uc's are being pretty random. I know someone who got into ucsd and rejected by ucd ( i think she is lying though.. but thats besides the point) No one really knows what uc admission people are looking for. Just cross your fingers and hope for the best. After all, all the UC admission people know about us is the piddly amount of info on the application and a bunch of numbers which are translated into more numbers. That is as far as they can see.</p>

<p>He must have written a good a$$ essay becuase I'm black had a 3.5 GPA, did sports and clubs and i didn't get into ucla or ucb. My essay wasnt that bad either, so i think this is so false</p>

<p>its false,
in addition, the UC does not release the race/ethicity of an applicant to the campuses until AFTER that campus has made their admission decisions. This is in adhertance to Prop 209.</p>

<p>Ronris: How would you get the extra points for being a URM through comprehensive review without the campus knowing your ethnicity?</p>

<p>Okay so as I am reading this I wonder of my daughter's getting into these schools also. I also remember reading somewhere on this cc that there were coaches that parents paid for, and teachers that wrote essays or doctored them up. Kids that parents paid to go to the testing programs to get better sat's. My daughter is a latino and she was in the ELC context at her school. Her math score on her sat killed her. 580 and 590 taken 2 times. She had a total 1990 combined sat, but her school is not strong in mathematics and she currently holds an A in her calculas class. I think and would hope that maybe the holistic approach would have leveled out the playing field. There are a lot of California Kids that can not afford the luxury of having private admission coaches and go to special kaplan courses. Our EFC was 0 so I know that we are in a low backet of income for example. I think my daughter is going to do excellent at Berkeley or UCLA. She got in to both and we still do not believe it. I thought her essays were okay but they were written by her and not even doctored by anyone. I beleive she was very empassioned though.
Remember that when these people post their stats and say okay on essays who are we to judge. Maybe they are really compassionate about themself or what they are talking about. Also, how do you know what school they went to and how hard it is to get those grades. Maybe he tried to weight his courses and that is his gpa with ap classes with b's and a c. Maybe one class went sour for him. Just because he is from a different race or ethnic background should not preclude that he can not do just as well. I think the admission officers put alot of time into decisions. I think they are trying to give some of these kids that work hard a break also. He got in cause he deserved to get in just like my daughter deserved to get in. I think you guys need to take 2 steps back and not have sour grapes on this. Again some of these kids do not have the advantages that some of you guys have. They live in a world that is quite different than yours. So give this guy and people like him--such as my daughter a break. My daughter wants to be a doctor and has done ecs in hospitals and logged over 300 hours of service work in 2.5 years at this. Maybe they saw that and realized that she is a well rounded person.</p>