This Is Us. Anyone watching?

Does Nicky suffer from anxiety and/or depression?

Best line of the night, “The moon is a destination, just like Chicago and Toledo.”


Both manifestations of PTSD.

So glad to see a Nicky-focused episode. And well done.


Guess I am in the minority but I wasn’t wild about this episode. I like the present day Nicky stuff (Griffin Dunne is great and his scenes were all very moving) but I just wasn’t too interested in the past Nicky storyline. Also, it wasn’t obvious to me that Nicky chose to stay with his parents instead of leaving with Sally. I knew that had to have happened, but had to rewind it to see if I had missed a scene which I obviously hadn’t. Didn’t buy that his character would do that. Given everything we know about Jack’s character, I also never bought how the two brothers could have become so estranged.

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Even in his pre-Vietnam years, he seemed to struggle. If his alcoholic father was so bad, why didn’t he leave with Sally? I’d like to see him reunite with Sally.

I believe Nicky stayed home to protect his mother. When he and Jack were talking, Nicky said that his dad was better to mom while he was around.


Nicky is married in the flash forward (or at least wears a wedding ring). So maybe Sally will be back.


Yes, the evening Nicky was supposed to leave, he was paying attention to how his parents interacted with each other. If he had left, his mother would have had a hard time. :frowning:


I liked the episode. But YES, that airport scene where his precious hand crafted gifts broke was heartbreaking.


Ha! Me, too and I had one at a time. I marvel and bow down to parents of multiples. The contrast though of Jack and Rebecca with zero support and Kevin and Madison have a nanny or nannies. Very different!

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Just watched the Nicky episode. I’ve had an emotional day but this took the cake. Broke down crying.

I’ve always had a soft spot for Nicky but now even more. Such a sensitive guy for who Vietnam tried to take away all that sensitivity- but no. He’s still got it

I loved how Nicky was so into space and the moon landing. I too loved your tag line @toledo . I also liked “the moon is like everyone’s night light”

Just a great episode but also hard for me to watch at times because I feel so much for Nicky.


Missed a few shows and todays is a rerun. I watched an episode from a few weeks ago that was an “in the future” episode and something is going on with Beth. Can someone PM me and fill me in if it was addressed in one fo the episodes I missed? I don’t want to cause a spoiler here. Thanks.

Another good one.

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Yep. And can’t wait for next week!!!

Loved the scenes with Miguel and Jack and Miguel and Nicky.


Great episode. I liked Miguel sticking up for himself (and Jack). The scene with Beth and her mom was touching. The final scene with the ex girlfriend’s reading the article about Kevin getting married… hmmmm.


Great episode. Oh, how I wish I could lay my head on my Mom’s shoulder.


I absolutely loved this episode. It clarified some of the relational challenges that have been faced by different characters. It demonstrated the importance of understanding another’s point of view and background before judging. We can watch a single episode or scene and immediately judge a character in a negative light. As the complexity of their character is illuminated through additional episodes. we begin to understand their struggles, background, and insecurities, and suddenly they aren’t quite as bad as we thought. I think the show does an excellent job of mirroring the humanness and failings we all have which is what makes the characters so appealing.

I particularly liked learning more about Miguel. In so many episodes he has seemed passive and weak and just kind of a dud. I can’t recall if we had previously known how long it had been between Jack’s death and Miguel and Rebecca’s marriage. If so, I missed it. But, so much of the family has treated him rather dismissively and almost with contempt. In the past he has come across almost as a doormat. I loved how he stood up to Rebecca’s dad, and how he was quick to accept Nicky’s apology. Qualities (such as his ability just to keep his mouth shut) that I have likely characterized as weakness were actually signs of patience and maturity.

My favorite part by far was the scene between Beth and her mom. Her mom sharing about the need to “adjust” as parents was downright convicting to me. I am certainly guilty of wanting to see our own adult ds’s life go in a certain direction because of my own selfish desires and what I think is best for him. Her stating that it took her 20 years to learn how to adjust made me realize I could be making some improvements in my own behavior right now that would likely improve our relationship.

I could go on gushing about other scenes as well. Really a great episode!



I have to say that I also loved seeing more of Miguel’s back story. So many on this thread didn’t like him early on, and I never understood that.

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