This Is Us. Anyone watching?

How old is Kevin now? Is he 40? So this is 5 years in the future? And I wonder who Nicky is married to? Also it looks like they started a construction company?

I assume to Sally Brooks, or whatever the old gf who he looked up is named.

How do we know itā€™s five years?

Kevin was saying heā€™s 45. And I think they are all 40.


I found a recap here that explains the last scene. I guess I missed a lot while watching.

Me too. And I found this:

Woah! Did not see that coming (did anyone??). SPOILERS AHEAD!!

I rewound and watched the end again. The paper Kevin had contained a heading saying BigThreeHomes (I think it was homes). So many questions: Are Kevin and Madison back together or just friends? Where is Toby?? We did see him (and not Kate) in the flash forward at Kevinā€™s house. But the English guy who tells Kate he doesnā€™t much like her? And did Nicky mention a wife?

I felt for Madison. She definitely could tell that Kevin was not really in love with her, but more in love with having a family. I think the young actor that plays Tess does such a good job. Her discomfort at the bridesmaid dress felt very real.

Waiting will be hard, but better to have one long run than the disjointed on/off we got this year.

I fell asleep and missed it. Hope its recorded

Wow! Very surprising!

Wow that was a shocker! I saw the Madison thing coming. I was a bit annoyed at Tess. They have a lot to wrap up next season!

I said to my DH, tell Tess for one day wear the dress at your uncleā€™s wedding! Itā€™s not about you. I was surprised Rebecca insisted on talking about Randall trip on Kevinā€™s wedding day but their discussion was sweet. The Kate surprise at the end was quite the cliffhanger! Madison scenes from the past were so sad :disappointed:

Changing the dress brought Tess and Beth closer.

Harvard? I didnā€™t see that coming

I thought the wedding dress looked great

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I loved this episode and hate that I have to wait until 2022 for the next season. In the meantime, I wish one of the clever recappers on Vulture or one of the other sites would make a timeline for all of us. For example, the final scene last night has jumped almost 5 years; however, the flash forward scenes at the cabin show grown up Tess and Daija. If Daija is in residency, those would be around the time the Big 3 are 50 or so - right? And Iā€™ll be interested in seeing where the plot with grown up baby Jack (wasnā€™t that early in season 4?) fits in. There are so many loose ends to tie up.

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That is ~10 years in the future - somewhere between 2031 and 2034.

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If someone does a rewatch, I think it would be worth tracking all the plane flights, including To/from.

Wow, what a great last 5 minutes! Iā€™m so bummed we have to wait an entire year. It better be worth it!

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I know it was a good outcome but maybe because I have sons I would not have thought about changing her dress.

Unpopular opinion, but newsflash, you are not supposed to be comfortable in a bridesmaids dress. If you donā€™t want to wear the dress, donā€™t agree to be a bridesmaid. On this day in particular, itā€™s not about you :roll_eyes:


Then donā€™t ask teenagers to be your bridesmaids. :wink:


Letā€™s not get tied up in the dress but the symbolism of the dress situation - which was another ballpark home run for Beth.

I also loved the wedding scene the little big 3 did with their parents.

Just when I was starting to enjoy Kate this seasonā€¦is SHE the one who leaves the marriage I wonder?!