This Is Us. Anyone watching?

The tl;dr version: Jon Huertas ā€œonlyā€ got $1 million. Allegedly.

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Tonightā€™s the night.


I had no idea! Already! Never got to watch the previous episodes like I wanted to - LOL. I wish they would do one night of season 1-5 (?) recap before diving inā€¦

Iā€™m not positive but I think NBC broadcast a last-season episode last Tuesday.


As Iā€™ve found with other long breaks between seasons of shows I like, I remember when I said ā€œI canā€™t believe we have to wait until January.ā€ And now its suddenly January! Hoping I can watch it tonight undisturbed by family and dog, who tends to demand attention just when Iā€™m watching something I really want to watch.

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DVR is all set to catch it! Then I can watch it without commercials. I hope itā€™s amazing, I really do! I really like the show and want it to end in a way that is satisfying.

The main cast members did the rounds on some of the NBC morning news/talk shows today

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Kinda sad itā€™s the last season. But better to end too soon, than to drag on forever. This feels right.


That was my plan too. Never did watch all the prior 5 seasons again though. Maybe do that after this season? Seems unlikely that will happen too. LOL

Show always had a planned end date from what I have read. So makes sense it would feel like the right time to end it. Not sure how many other shows take that approach.

I watched last week and am super-pumped about tonight. I even went on YouTube and watched a couple of trailers.

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Was last week just a rerun of the last episode last season ? Or more than that?


Looking forward to this. Bittersweet that it is the last season, but nice to have show to watch in this new covid surge. And look forward to talking about it with all of you.

A reminder to anyone checking this thread that this thread is NOT spoiler free for the current week! Once the show airs live EST, be prepared that you might see spoilers for that night if you click on. Do people agree???

HOWEVER, if you have season spoilers - something you have read about an episode that hasnā€™t aired or the finale or whatever, I personally prefer you donā€™t post those. Do people agree???

Guesses or thoughts (opinions) about what might happen based on your own thinking is fine.


I already told my husband I was watching live, and would not be pausing while he watches a video on his phone! He does this all the time when watching a tv show, and I want to go to bed at 10:00. He can watch the recording later if he canā€™t pay attention while I watch :unamused:

As an FYI, I am a spoiler fanatic, so I can tell you the F3 of the Bachelor season that started last night. That said, AFAIK, Dan Fogelman has kept the season under wraps, with the obvious exception of what he chooses to release in previews/teasers. Any ā€œspoilersā€ on the season at other sites are simply peopleā€™s opinions.

Well donā€™t tell me the top 3 bachelor woman either!!! :wink:

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My heart ached for Kevin. I was so sad for him.

And then I was sad for myself when I realized that I now identify more with Rebecca than the kids. :neutral_face: A guy I graduated HS with died of a stroke yesterday. I feel old tonight.


My heart ached for Randall. He feels everything so deeply.

Poor Rebecca. They did a great job at showing her frustration.

The only scene I didnā€™t like was Kateā€™s boss breaking up with his girlfriend/wife. It didnā€™t seem realistic.