This Is Us. Anyone watching?

My favorite part was Kate’s students singing for her. I felt sorry for Kevin. I felt like the perspective Randall gained about the home invader will be helpful to him.


Yes, my heart always aches for Randall. He reminds me of ds2.

Yeah, I definitely didn’t like that break-up scene either, especially knowing that he is going to figure into the future. Felt forced.


I thought this episode was good but not great. It felt very jumpy to me between timeframes. Maybe I just need time to get back into the rhythm of the show.

I find Randall unbearable. He’s always such a downer and I don’t know how Beth puts up with him. I also don’t understand their supporting the daughter’s relationship with Malik. He’s a couple years older than her and has a kid. Not something I would want for my 16 year old. And of course he goes to Harvard, because going to Harvard while being a single dad with an out of state girlfriend would be so easy to pull off.

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I do not like Kate’s boss. I don’t think the character has a good storyline or is developed well. I really really hope the flash forward at the end of last season about the wedding was deliberate to throw us off. But I’m not sure how that could be, and I think it was confirmed? last season that Kate was marrying him in the flash forward. I understand he’s damaged (didn’t he say so last night?) and Kate may relate to that. But still, I don’t want him in my story!

Poor Kevin - so awkward. But good for “Maddie” for moving on. Also looks like it may be awkward for Nicky if he’s just going to show up at Sally’s door.

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I don’t pay close enough attention. But I do wonder if the flash forward where we are to believe that Kate marries her boss is some sort of red herring.

I didn’t really think the storyline with Rebecca was great. Since I just spent a lot of time with elderly people :crazy_face:, none of who have dementia, is that they can’t remember the correct words. They search for the correct word all the time. Searching for caboose is more a sign of aging than dementia. To me.

We noticed our friends dementia when he couldn’t count sequentially, couldn’t remember trump in a card game, couldn’t remember where he hit his golf ball or what the type of golf ball he hit. It was much different than forgetting the name to an object you don’t use often.


I thought the same about Rebecca. I have a SIL with early onset Alzheimer’s and and aunt with Alzheimer’s and neither presents anything like that. She seems to be progressing really fast about a year ago at the 40th b-day but doesn’t seem like she’s progressed much since then. Heck, I’m 53 and often can’t remember a word or someone’s name. Doesn’t seem like a big deal. And she has way more vivid memories than I do of her own childhood and that of her children’s.

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Yes, my friend with early onset Alzheimer’s has a lot more difficulty than just finding a word. How to feed herself, how to put on her shoes, how to use the bathroom. She’s younger than Rebecca, too. Ugh.

I’ve lost track … how old do we think Rebecca is current day?


I saw the cast on the 3rd Hour of Today Show yesterday and they advised having the tissues ready. I didn’t really feel the need except during the last segment and the tender moments were only tear up moments and not pass me the kleenex moments. I sensed as soon as Rebecca told of her doctor’s report that Kevin would reconsider the reboot of The Manny so he could have the resources for his kids and his mom. I agree that it was an okay episode, but not great.

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I thought it was lovely when the kids sang to Kate. But it was not an especially tearful episode to me. But then I can be a bit of a hard hearted Hannah!

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I’m the same. Certainly not a crier while watching a television show. And, anytime anyone tells me to, “get the tissues ready,” I take that as a personal challenge not to cry.

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Well I adored the episode.

“She has kids. Do you think someone is making them dinner tonight?”

Beth and Randall make me SING. Door #1…or door #2?? :wink:

Kevin wants to be such a good dad. Especially since he now can’t be a good husband for Madison.

Randall talking to the man who broke into his house….the perspective there….for him to realize the guy’s mental illness or drug use - to realize he was more than just a man with a knife.

Caboose or no caboose, the point was the STRUGGLE. How not coming up with one word - a word that had meaning in different parts of her life - with her dad, with her kids - could consume her. She’s trying so hard - she refuses to give up even on caboose.

Randall and Beth didn’t always love the Malik situation. Until they allowed some space to understand it. Maybe a good lesson for all of us.

The music used for This Is Us has always had me in tears. Tonight, no exception. The song near the end? It was the song my daughter used as background music for a picture video for my mom’s memorial just a few weeks ago. When I heard it for the first time in the video I told my daughter “that song is beautiful - reminds me of This Is Us music!” And then…there it was. :heart:


I teared up when Toby came home for Kate’s birthday. I like his character. And I’m sad that it looks like they won’t end up together.


It was just okay. Tonight was a bit boring for me. I don’t love this show like many, but like it a lot. Some pure moments of brilliance throughout the last 5 years.


I think we’re not going to get the high drama, high intensity surprises, the unexpected, so much this season. What we are going to get is things wrapping up, the bow being tied - or not, the end of a story. The things we have wondered about but our jaws are not going to drop.


I’m with @abasket in that I thought it was about Rebecca’s struggle to hold on to memories more than the specifics of her illness. For most of us, forgetting a word is not uncommon but either we remember it later or let it go (and some time later remember). Mostly a plot device.

Malik is portrayed as a kid that made a mistake by having a kid very early but stepped up for his child and for his schoolwork. I could see a kid like that being quite attractive to Harvard.

Agree that no tissues were needed.

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I kept wanting to tell Rebecca - think of something else and the word will come to you. I do that when I can’t remember a word or a name (aging, not dementia, I’m pretty sure :slight_smile: ). A while later I’ll circle back to it and I can remember it. But I think her obsessing about it to the extent of not being present was part of Alzheimer’s. A relative who was developing Alzheimer’s was obsessed that she not lose her purse and would end up asking about it when we were talking about something unrelated, clearly not part of the present conversation or activities. Very sad.

I think I only teared up when Kevin said it wasn’t real since it was on tv.


So question on the kiddo actors… are they same as the young set (but more grown up) or new? Hubby says new, but I think it might be a mix.

The kids iooked new to me which I found a little disorienting. I had grown accustomed to the prior actors.

I need to adopt some of the poster’s viewpoints, like @abasket and @ mom2and and not take things so literally. I also said to my husband that Rebecca not remembering the word “caboose” was a poor example of someone experiencing dementia/alzheimer’s. I also thought it was naive of Randall to not stay with the person he had bailed out and bring him to the shelter. And, shelter’s aren’t jails; one is free to go so I’m not sure why he was optimistic this person would get the help he needed, even if offered at or through the shelter. And, just because Kevin realized Madison needed her own space, I’m not sure why he had to leave his “home/garage” that night vs the next day or take a few days to find a new place nearby. I know it’s a TV show but these kinds of illogical things interrupt my flow of truly losing myself in an episode.

Still, loved certain moments like the kids singing to Kate for her birthday and Beth’s interactions with Randall for his. I thought this was an OK episode but not a tear-jerker like some. I do love the show.