This Is Us. Anyone watching?

I would call the episode “some moms are too wound up!” - I overall felt bad for the dads! Rebecca was super supportive of Jack but I felt less from Madison and LESS from Kate!


True. And the, “infraction” made by Jack (losing your kid completely) was far more egregious than that made by Toby (getting your kid off schedule).


Randall said that Deja was 17 and a junior in HS. Malk is likely 19. While there are some unrealistic elements to his character, it is certainly possible for single parents to make it to harvard. While I agree I wouldn’t be happy if my 17 yo wanted to visit her college BF, it is a difficult to keep an older teen from seeing a boyfriend. I have a feeling Deja is going to win this one.

Some kids are more resilient than others and Deja seems to be resilient. While, like much about this and every TV show that is less than plausible, not every kid that had a somewhat disrupted childhood is poorly adjusted.

I missed that Jack said his mom died. I wonder if that is why we didn’t see Kate in the flash forward. Really on Team Toby so far and not sure why the show decided to have them split up.

I was surprised Rebecca was not more upset with Jack losing Kevin at the movies. Loved the sundaes scene.

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@mom2and It is old Jack’s mom that died, not young Jack’s.


I looked it up. Age of consent in MA is 16 so I think Malik is good.

Trying to keep kids apart almost always backfires.


I know nothing and this is no spoiler, but I’m thinking that Toby gets the green egg grill, there is an accident with little Jack where he gets burned or injured on it (above his forehead) and that is the straw that breaks the back for Kate or Kate/Toby in terms of Toby not being a good (enough) parent for Kate and she starts to wander. The guy at the school who we think she ends up with (right?) also mentioned that he was a bit of a control freak like Kate with his kids - maybe he will be “the grass is greener on the other side for parenting” for Kate.


Kate parents nothing like her mother. You would think some of Rebecca would have rubbed off on her. Toby messes up a nap schedule and it’s like the end of the world. So have the babysitter deal with it and go out as planned. Kids are often better for a sitter than their own parents. I actually think Rebecca under-reacted with Jack. I know I’ve dozed off in my share of kids movies but I’m sure my husband would not be that forgiving if I lost a kid in the process. I think at least initially she’d be furious.

Just curious but where is Randall & Beth’s third kid? Does she no longer exist?

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Annie. We just haven’t seen her this year yet as far as I remember. We only saw Tess briefly.

LOL at the babysitter being thankful Toby was going to stay because she’d only ever sat for the kids when they were asleep. Yet Kate said what a good babysitter she was!?

Also, young Kevin definitely seemed old enough to say “I was watching a movie with my Dad and brother and sister.” But I guess that wouldn’t have fit into the plot!

I still don’t really like Madiso n, but I understand what she’s saying.

I don’t think Cassidy is the one for Kevin. I don’t think school guy is the one for Kate. So I’m probably going to be disappointed by the end of the series!


It was a little scary for me to see Young Jack with his smoker. But his house looked fabulous!!

I found the conversation between Toby and Kate a little weird. She’s upset with him, changes her mind a little bit I guess after her conversation with the school director. He agrees that she knows the kids better and he should follow her lead. And then suddenly suggests buying a smoker ? Very disconnected to me.


Rebecca wasn’t wound up at all. If my DH lost one of my kids I’d wring his neck!


I liked how it showed the difference between generations and child rearing. I am sure my parents lost us numerous times and had no clue where we were 1/2 the time - being kids of the 60s and 70s. I feel it did a good job illustrating how hard it is for “modern” dads to connect when working long hours vs earlier generations when connecting at dinner and maybe a bit on weekends was the norm.


Connection is the crockpot. There are always threads woven in the themes.


I think Rebecca was not as mad as she could’ve been for a couple of reasons. One, by the time she saw Jack she was with Kevin and he was fine. Crisis averted. And two, she probs felt a little guilty that she was so quick to say that she wasn’t going. If she’d been there it wouldn’t have happened.


OUTSTANDING connection!

I forgot about Cassidy showing up again - if she is intended to be a player in the end I think they should have made her a stronger role in the series - I almost don’t remember what role she played in the past.

Of course! Not sure why I thought the reference was to young Jack. Duh!

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The entire concept of getting a Big Green Egg is completely random. How does this bring a family together? Kate is supposed to get excited about an Egg?

I first thought, what a product placement. But if it’s anything like the Peloton on Sex and the City, it’s not going to be a good advertisement!


yep that is pretty clear what will happen with the green egg and the marriage breakup

Now that you mention this connection, I see where they are going. A cooking appliance being the cause of big upheaval.

But given the conversation between Kate and Toby, this idea of buying the big green egg just came out of left field (for me!).

Agree…when it comes to family bonding, smoked meat is not the first thing that comes to mind.

But this IS fiction…