This Is Us. Anyone watching?

I know. I was thinking someone is going to have to do all that food prep and clean up and who will it be – stressed out and overly busy Kate? or mostly absent already doesn’t spend enough time with his kids Toby?

What?:rofl: I’m originally from MO. Smoked meat IS ALWAYS, ALWAYS!! the first thing that comes to mind when any sort of family gathering is even considered.

Chief’s game? Ribs
Funeral? Brisket
Weekend trip to the lake? Ribs one night, brisket the next
Easter? Smoked ham
Graduation? Brisket
4th of July? Ribs
Wedding? Brisket
Thanksgiving? Smoked turkey
Labor Day picnic? Ribs
Christmas? Smoked salmon appetizer, Smoked Turkey dinner.

Not a holiday, life event or football game?Gotta have some variety, so smoked chicken and/or bacon. Duh.


I thought this last episode was ok. Storylines are moving very quickly since they need to wrap up. That’s kind of hard for me to take…I’m used to their slow simmer…sometimes so slow I forgot they were on the stove! :rofl:

I stopped trying to make sense of some aspects long ago. I just enjoy the characters. And most of the stories.


I also think the last couple of shows have been okay, okay but not great. I’ve been looking forward to new Ordinary Joe episodes more lately.


Again, the point of a final season is largely coming down from that drama peak of the first seasons and wrap everything up with a (if messy) bow.

I’ll admit to rarely being on the Kate train. Toby is clearly the bread winner for their family - she can’t be making much at the school working what seems to be very part time…he seems to be busting his you-know-what staying in contact, traveling home for short periods, bringing meaningful gifts, avoiding arguments… I get it it’s hard for Kate being the caregiver most of the time but it’s not like Toby isn’t pulling his weight for the family!


I saw this Instagram post this week and although it might not be intentional as far as the writing goes, I wonder if this is part of what Kate is dealing with.

I thought there was a juxtaposition between how Rebecca handled a transgression with her husband, being understanding and suggesting a diversion so the kids don’t remember that involves the entire family.

How does Kate handle a transgression that is much more trivial? She gets all upset, and instead of trying to handle it, Toby does, dismisses the babysitter. Kate goes to her event alone.

To me, this is a pattern for Kate. She freaks out, Toby tries to smooth things over. Toby makes the gestures but they don’t seem to always be appreciated.

This is another thing for me. Kate decided to stay in LA, picking her family (and part time job that she got an hour before) over moving with Toby to his new job. He’s the one doing the heavy lifting, he’s the one traveling to where Kate is. It’s like his job is an inconvenience for Kate. She’s the one suffering because she’s the one taking care of the kids. Except for the fact that it’s a tv show :joy:, I don’t understand why she and the kids couldn’t move where he got a job. Can you see Rebecca doing this? No, she would have followed her husband if he lost his job and had to move. That’s just my opinion at least.

I think Kate has a lot of trauma (evidenced by her weight that I don’t think the show ever goes into) that precludes her from really trusting anyone.

Now how Kate finds another husband is beyond me. I guess that’s a part of tv magic.


Yes! One of dh’s prized possessions is his dad’s Hasty Bake. I had never heard of them, but Google. They are REALLY nice. And I bet our boys both want it when we are gone.

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I may invite myself over for the a holiday!!


I think you’re spot on that Rebecca would have went with Jack. And I believe that as you said Kate had just got the new job (an hour before - lol!) and she felt the school was so necessary for Jack as well (would
San Francisco not have had programs for the visually impaired?) but nope, she was
Not budging and somehow it was Toby that was being “allowed” to go get the couples primary job/income!


Who in their right mind lets a high school junior travel alone like that to Boston for the weekend with a boyfriend and doesn’t think they’re going to have sex??? WTH. That is a very poor story line, IMO.

They did not know she was going to see her boyfriend. Her alibi was a girlfriend - and maybe in another city???

My parents for starters. :rofl:

But in this instance, Randall and Beth did not know she was going to Boston.

oh, okay, I missed that. Channeling Emily Latella…“nevermind”.


So about that fabulous house and young Jack…… maybe Uncle Kevin lets him live there? (since he also has the grand “cabin” in PA). Or did he become realllly successful musician?

The season 4 premiere gave the impression that he is a very successful musician.


Wow, a hard one to watch not many months after my mom passed. :cry:

This episode was a slow burn. Got better as it went along.

I am totally confused by the timeline with regard to Jack’s drinking.

Camryn Manheim is a joy to watch.


Agree with all you said, @Youdon_tsay. Loved Camryn Manheim on LA Law. And Jack’s obit, was handled well.

Same here. The episode was rather slow, but that last scene - boy, I broke down when he said that. That’s exactly how I felt once it started to sink in that mom was gone. :cry:


I believe Camryn Manheim was on The Practice (not LA Law).
It was great to see her!