This Is Us. Anyone watching?

I can sort of buy the idea of no presence of an adult Nicky, but it was weird that child Nicky did not appear.


I thought the same thing.

Also, I am glad we are seeing some of Jackā€™s failings. I never liked how he is put on such a pedestal. And it looks like next week Miguel, one of my favorites, gets fleshed out.

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Thought it did show a less than positive side of Jack. Was very surprising he didnā€™t see his mom after she moved out. But ultimately looked like both he and his mom passed on chances to see each other. Maybe it was too much a reminder of a past each was trying to escape? Momā€™s friends said she very much looked forward to her calls with Jack. Jack seemed to view them as something he needed to do rather than wanted to do. And when she was gone he appeared to have had some regrets with respect to his interactions with his mom.

I remember having the same realization a couple years ago when my mom passed. For the first time in my life, I didnā€™t have a mother. Wasnā€™t something unusual in terms of an experience that most people have at some point. Natural order of things and all. But hadnā€™t really thought about it applying to me (either in the present or at some point in the future) prior to that time. Will say that since that realization, I have thought about it in terms of my dad. Not sure if those thoughts impact the interactions I have with him today or if they will impact the time down the road when I donā€™t have him either.

Rather than the Practice (which is correct), I was thinking it was Boston Legal when I first saw her last night. All those ā€œrealisticā€ legal shows blend together. LOL


I agree with whoever said it was nice to see Jack with all of his flaws. Also, nice to see him recognize them and voice them in such an insightful way in his eulogy. I loved Rebecca in this episode.

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I was estranged from my mother when she died, so this episode hit close to home. Iā€™ve been thinking of her so much the last 2 months and finally really miss her instead of being angry at her. Losing a parent when the relationship isnā€™t good is very difficult.

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This is a recent episode that finally made me cry!
It is so strange that good guy Jack could not go visit his mother, only 4 hours away, telling Rebecca that itā€™s such a long drive and he could never find the time! And all Rebecca can say is ā€œI know.ā€

There is nothing so negative that was indicated about the mother that seems to justify that kind of lack of contact. Maybe the writers have some regrets about their own relationships!


Just finished watching. I too just lost my mom in November. Iā€™m not sure Iā€™ve had my moment like Jack finally had .

While I love Jack and think he was so good to so many people, Iā€™ve never thought him without flaws. My guess is that while he was her ā€œheroā€
And got her away from his dad, maybe she just also represented his childhood so much that she was a tough reminder . Donā€™t know.

The eulogy was perfectly imperfect. His line of ā€œI donā€™t want to keep youā€ - well that was touching and also poignant because how many times have we all used it? And often to ā€œget awayā€ or not face something?

Iā€™m watching on the NBC app And once again it cut off at the end and showed no previews! Iā€™ll have to look it up - what did they show about Miguel?!!

The preview implied that he and Rebecca decided it was time to get on with life and went speed dating ā€“ as friends. You get the sense that that night may have been the beginning of their relationship.

Found it on YouTube:

Boo on Kevin and Cassidyā€¦.


Cassidy could be a head fake (like the show has done often). We shall see.

Based on the preview, are we supposed to think Deja is pregnant?

Is anyone else on this thread in N Texas? We seem to be a week behind.

I didnā€™t think that. I thought they were going to try to move her to Boston.

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I thought the same. Malik already experienced an oopsie. Youā€™d think heā€™d be very careful now. But who knows.

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How do you watch? Live on NBC or through an app? On the apps you can pick any aired episode to watch.

Iā€™m leaning toward ā€œnoā€ on a pregnancy. But clearly Deja was not on birth control before the fact since Beth said she was taking her post fact to get birth control. Malik should def know better! He may have used contraception butā€¦I still think thatā€™s what they want us to think but I think it will be something more to the relationship. Though I donā€™t know what!

Itā€™s through Sling - maybe Iā€™ll try the app tomorrow. Thanks for the idea.

Oops, The practice and also Law & Order, IIRC.

Amongst many many others. Criminal Minds, Major Crimes, Harryā€™s Law, Person of Interest to name but a few recurring roles.

As Ellenor Frutt, she guested on Boston Public and Ally McBeal in addition to a main role on The Practice.

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I hadnā€™t even thought about Nicky during the episode - where was he? Maybe he was still MIA from the family at that time?

If jack called his horrible father, why wouldnā€™t he have let his brother know? But I am not sure of the timing of his motherā€™s death/where Nicky is. Have they ever explained why Jack and Nicky were estranged?

Deja and Malik - if Deja and Malik are planning on her moving to Boston, the writers better have Beth and Randall better shut that down ASAP. No way would any parent be on board. And the storyline is already a little too unbelievable - letā€™s make it believable (meaning, the parent are like ā€œno way kiddosā€.)

Oh my, yes.

I mentioned the lack of Nicky upthread and the lack of realism.

OK, I wasnā€™t going to go there, but Jack calling his dad and then worrying that he would show up at the funeral ā€“ drama queen much, Jack? :roll_eyes: He could have called the dad after the service so it wouldnā€™t be a problem. I loved that the cousin didnā€™t give him a lot of leeway on his behavior.