This Is Us. Anyone watching?

Well for an episode that so many people didn’t seem to warm up to or understand it’s significance there sure is a lot of conversation around it!

Two things:

  1. The relationship you have/had with your parents may be completely different than other people’s relationship, routines, habits. We need to open our eyes to whether right/wrong, parent-child relationships really vary but often - like Jack’s - this was their “normal”. There were many layers to their relationship many tainted - even just within that family of 4 people.

Does Jack get any credit for relocating his mom? Even when he was moving her to her cousin’s (?) house neither he nor mom seemed all that comfortable with each other. But he did it for her and she was grateful.

  1. MAYBE the point of this episode was to pose a juxtaposition between Jack’s mom end of life - alone and away from her blood family (Jack, Nicky, Rebecca, kids and estranged husband) and the impending death of Rebecca where EVERYONE seems to be gathering. Coming from great distance, regardless of relationships (Toby and Kate for instance probably being apart) for Rebecca and for each other.

I think it all shows how far reaching family disfunction can be. There was unity with Jack and his mom (presumaby Nick too but that was totay left out for whatever reason) when Jack’s dad was in the house. Common purpose if you will. You would think that with dad out of their lives they could move on togther. But I don’t think its that easy. They were all tied together to the past they were trying to escape. I don’t think navigating that is easy.

As for the calls, I would expect they would have been tough at first. Its not like his mom went from leaving her abusive husband to a happy life overnight. Presumably that took some time. And during that time, those calls are probably a little like walking on eggshells. Finding happiness takes time so its not like its clear when you found it. By that time the calls had already established a pattern. Not necessarily easy to break out of it. Also not clear if trying to break out of it will find the other person in dark times digging the past back up.


The phone calls reminded me of my father-in-law. He would call each of his kids, his brother and sister later afternoon on Sundays. 7pm the phone would ring for us. Was almost always a very quick call - how are you, we’re fine, how about you and then he would hang up and move on to the next call. Very rarely could we engage him for longer than that. Sometimes, like one of the scenes, we wouldn’t really feel like talking because we were in the middle of dinner or homework or something so were glad to make it quick. I would fault my DH for not taking the initiative to call his dad in between times.

That being said, we visited regularly even though they lived on the opposite coast. In fact, during the last year of his life my DH visited his dad more than his sisters who lived much closer. I agree there is no real excuse for Jack not visiting in 13 years. Of course, the mom also had no real reason not to visit Jack and his family more often either.

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I liked the episode, getting a closer view of Jack’s childhood and his mom. We were really expecting he was going to take that cat home with him.


@colorado_mom - I agree and found it to be very beautifully written and acted. The pain of growing up in an abusive home took so much away from Jack and his Mom and they each found a new community and were truly loved and safe. Appears we are in the minority on this one. I think it was one of the best episodes to day and said so much with little dialog too.


Perhaps. But I agree with you. I thought it was a great episode


Me too. Families are complicated.


I liked the episode!


Going back an episode- I just find any story line with Kate and another romantic interest not believable. She is unlikeable, in my opinion, and the weight issue is simply daunting. I will be interested to see how this plays out.


Called it!




I loved this episode.


Cassidy agreed.


I liked this episode a lot. There was finally some humorous moments and some joy.

I don’t like the Malik/Deja storyline at all. It’s just so stupid. Who can just add 3 AP classes to their junior schedule? And suddenly that allows you to graduate early? But yet she’s going to get her GED later? None of it makes sense. And Beth going along with the plan? Love Beth, but sorry, it’s time for her to learn the word “no”. Deja is a minor. And she’s still in HS. They have every right to tell her she can’t go. My S22 is 18. I still say no to things he asks to do all the time. It’s called being a parent. And I’d be pissed at Malik. Seems like he is just looking for a babysitter/housekeeper to make his life easier.


Knock knock


Great episode. I laughed out loud when Beth and Randall were playing “worst case scenario” and Beth said Deja adopting Malik’s child and then moving in with Beth and Randall forever. The look on their faces was classic.

I certainly think that Beth and Randall can and should say no. But the reality is that they really can’t stop her. What can they do if she runs away to live with him? Drag her back? I agree, however, that the way Deja is presenting this makes no sense. To me, the alternative would be to offer to allow her to visit regularly (not that hard to take the train from Philly to Boston) but stay in school. I am hopeful that Randall’s talk with Malik will get him thinking about the chances he has had and how he would be taking that away from Deja if she quits school. However, why couldn’t she finish HS in Boston? Another thing that doesn’t make sense.

I also don’t understand why the writers felt like they had to have Kate and Toby split up. It seems quite contrived.


Malik looks younger than ever to me.


When he came out to talk to Randall on the stoop my mind said “dude you look about 12!!!”

@Youdon_tsay what did you predict???

I hope the episode ended with the scene of Rebecca and Kate at the piano at three different ages - is that correct?? I’m watching on the NBC app and it kept cutting off!

I love that Rebecca teaches Jack to play piano - which will one day make him famous.

Lol, Beth is a PRIZE. Deja has lived a lot of life. She has had to make a lot of her own decisions and grow up fast. I don’t know that Randall and Beth can hold her back and save their relationship - a compromise maybe. I do hope that Malik doesn’’t walk away - that won’t be the answer for any of them.

I think the show is off for a couple weeks - not back till 2/22. I’m worried we aren’t going to get enough episodes to wrap things up enough!


It’s off for the Olympics.

Yes I realize that - while it might not be the case this year, This Is Us has had a history of wrapping up pretty early end of season - which will be here before you know it!