This Is Us. Anyone watching?

@abasket the episode did end with Rebecca and Kate at the piano together at three different ages (one when she was young, one when she was a teenager, and one in the present).

I looked up the actor who plays Malik to see how old he actually is–he’s 20! He really does look young for his age.


From what I have seen, there are 18 episodes in this season. So 13 left. They started late this season because writers said they wanted to run all the way through without breaks (other than for the Olympics apparently–LOL).


I called that Malik and Deja would want her to move to Boston.


That cat may yet appear in another episode…

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The actress who played teenage Kate looked a lot heavier in that episode than she has in past ones. It almost looked like she was wearing padding. Did anyone else notice that or is it just me?


I am also bothered by Malik’s appearance this season. It’s not that he looks younger; it seems his face has changed shape. He looks emaciated - I worry for his (actor, not character) health. I was thinking eating disorder.

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Yes, he looks very, “slight.” I know he is a small build, but I thought so, too. The size difference between Deja and him was very apparent when they were sitting next to each other at the dining table. Meaning, she appeared to be a healthy size, and he did not.

BUT, some people are just built that way. Small-boned, etc. But she appeared much older than he sitting next to him at the table.

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Noticed that her appearance had changed. Did not think of padding.

I think the younger Kate actress was wearing padding. Nicky and his girlfriend were very cute together!!

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When she was looking in the mirror I seriously thought she was pregnant! I had that flashback that she DID get pregnant and forgot for a moment that she did not keep the baby.

The actor who plays Malik has an interesting facial structure. He’s handsome and looks like he has skin of gold, but something is a little different.

He has some very interesting features, I might guess that his ethnic makeup would be African and Asian. I tried to google but didn’t find anything.

I think we are seeing Kate’s transformation from being a little chubby to morbidly obese. I suspect the actress is wearing padding.

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Lol, I tried to google too! Good guess on the mixed heritage.

Blackk is his stage name, so that might be a clue.

His aunt (mother’s sister) is Samira Wiley from Orange is the new Black. You can see the family resemblance in pictures.

His parents are Ayize and Aiyana Ma’at. Again, you can see the family resemblance in pictures. While there is likely some swirl from many generations ago, I don’t think his exotic good looks are from any Asian ancestry.


I believe his mother has some ancestry from Trinidad , which has significant East Asian ethnicity, black, mixed, etc. Maybe there could be some Asian from way back ,who knows. He is a good actor.

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I guess along with the fantasy geography of the This is Us world (those quick trips Philly to NYC; how easily they bop cross country to see each other) there is high school academics fantasy also. Added three! AP classes (why AP classes?), graduate early then get a GED made no sense. I’m on the fence about allowing her to go. The ramifications of refusing it. She has “seen more in her lifetime than most kids her age.” Although there is the example being set for the other two sisters and how do you tell Annie no she can’t graduate early and become a stand up comedian with her knock knock jokes.

I loved how this episode threw in two reflections of what the fans have been commenting – the Worst Case scenario with guesses like Deja’s pregnant and the Randall/Kevin phone call with the guessing who Kevin is going to end up with sounded like comments I’ve read various places. Loved the lighter parts of the episode. But why did Tess and Annie have to leave the table when they just started eating that meal. That discussion should have taken place after the pie.

And - the guy Rebecca had coffee with - have we seen him before? I felt like we had but couldn’t figure out where he fit in the story.


Mid-year no less.

Yes. Season 3, episode 14.


LOL on Annie leaving school early to be a stand up comedian of knock knock jokes!

I mean, I’m not finishing my pie when that bomb is dropped at my table! I might throw the pie! :slight_smile: Tess and Annie could take the pie to their room to finish. Regardless, I’m pro-pie so don’t lose the pie but there were some bigger fish to fry at that moment.

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lol, when Beth ordered Annie and Tess to leave the table so early on, dh yelled to Beth, “at least have them take their plates with them!”

Agree with the odd comments about “adding 3 AP classes” to graduate early (so many things wrong with that statement) and then needing to get her GED (if you’ve graduated, you don’t need a GED, of course). While just a week (?) earlier, they were horrified that she lied, took a bus on her own to Boston and had sex, well, how things change…now the compromise should be that once a month or even twice a month she can make that weekend trip as long as she stays in school.


I love Nicky - even more now. How cute was he under the blanket with his girlfriend?!

It must all work out with between Deja and Randall/Beth because we see them together in the future. And where are Malik’s grandparents in all this?

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And if you graduate early you… graduate. You don’t need a GED.