This Is Us. Anyone watching?

I loved the scenes with Beth and her student. I had a very critical piano teacher at a summer workshop when I was in high school. His remarks were pretty cruel and they stuck with me. Other teachers were like Beth and encouraged me to major in music. I didn’t, but I’m still thankful for them.

Kate has gotten on my last nerve. All she does (all it seems like she EVER does) is mope and complain. She’s never once been independent or self supporting, going from being Kevin’s assistant to Toby’s wife and now apparently to becoming her newest bosses’ wife. She has no career; just a job she likes but that could never support a family in a million years. After long, hard struggles, Toby finally gets a very good job that can support them all and she won’t even move to another city in the same state, and then complains about being on her own with 2 small children. AAAARGH!
I never used to like Toby; I thought his humor was lame and his attitude kind of creepy but now I far prefer him to mopey, passive, complaining Kate.


I don’t think we know what’s happening yet with Sophie at Thanksgiving. Looks like a two-parter judging by the previews.

I thought more about the Kate scene with Kevin. Clearly, we are supposed to see that she has learned that sometimes the friend needs more support than her brother, and this illustrates growth. Still, it seems out of character for her. And, yeah, I don’t see how we are going to get from dissatisfaction with Toby to marrying the boss by the end, but I’ll watch every episode anyway.


So I teared up when Kate texted Sophie. Before, Kate and Kevin supported each other no matter what bad decisions they made, and now Kate is pointing out the right thing and not supporting the wrong thing.

Probably Kevin should stay in a hotel when Toby is home, but I imagine he is a huge help/comfort to Kate when Toby is away(which is most of the time). I am not usually Team Kate, but tonight I liked her and found Toby annoying. As far as moving, Kevin, Madison, her mom, their house, Jacks special school, Kate’s job, are all in LA, not so easy to pick up and move to SF, especially when Toby didn’t give her much notice. Maybe Kevin isn’t helping the relationship but he is not the main problem.

I think they are steering us in the direction of a Kevin/Sophie reunion.

Nice to see how Rebecca and Miguel got together. Thanksgiving should be interesting…

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Didn’t Kate find out that Kevin had cheated only about an hour before he told Sophie? It’s not like she had known for days or even weeks - if she had explained that to Sophie it might have helped.


I think someone said it best above - this episode a clear example of how Kate and Kevin are so co-dependent “ride or die”. I think it’s not about Kevin being able to afford a place but Kevin not wanting to be alone. Money doesn’t buy happiness .

So happy to see Beth clearly succeeding at the ballet company. The scenes with her dad… :cry:- so sweet! Have I said how much I adore Beth?? :wink:


I just loved the spotlight on Beth. That was great.


Doesn’t Kevin sometimes have custody of the kids? It seems like he can only see them at Madison’s, which makes no sense. But if he does have custody sometimes, that means that Kate would then have 4 small children in that small house. I would think Kevin would get his own place so he could have the kids to himself sometimes. And Madison seems way too happy having the kids all the time. I think most single moms of baby twins would want someone to take them once in awhile. Also, why not just have thanksgiving in LA while the kids are babies. Are you really going to fly 4 small kids across the country to have dinner in that tiny cabin?

The call to the teacher was so dumb, I agree with the poster above, these Pearson’s don’t let anything go.

This episode seemed a bit out of context. Last week, Deja was moving to Boston and this week there was no mention of it whatsoever. Deja still appeared to be in town at the time of the showcase.

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Well Kevin has definitely been “returning”
The kids home so he must take them sometimes.

It’s tv, they aren’t going to cover every hypothetical situation - often because the logistics of real life would bog the show down and not be practical.

I think Madison OFTEN Seemed eager for a break from the kids! She was always so exhausted and sort of touchy when they were very young!

Sure they could stay in LA for a thanksgiving - but again TV! - a storyline that thrives on the significance of thanksgiving at the cabin! Staying an LA doesn’t work for the storyline - which indeed is fictional!

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I don’t think Kevin can handle being alone.


This hasn’t been made explicit, but I don’t think there is a formal custody agreement. That’s why Kevin lived there at first and partly why he got so angry at Madison over the Thanksgiving thing. He doesn’t want to be “typical” divorced parents with spelled-out custody agreements. He thought they could be adults and get along and always do what’s best for the kids, but then reality hits that sometimes they will have different ideas about what’s best for everyone.


It seems there is a lot of child support? Madison does not seem to have any work obligations.

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Madison has always erked me. I mean, the relationship didn’t work out for sure. But yes, she benefits from Kevin’s success (even if he is not an “A” actor) and the stability it provides her and the kids and which he so generously seems happy to give them but I don’t know how much she gives back to Kevin who is still her partner in parenting.


When is the next episode on?

Next Tuesday

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We’re on for tonight!


Not even halfway through and my stomach hurts. SO. STRESSFUL.


I missed the first half. Thank heavens it’s recording.

I cried. Dh cried for totally different reasons. :cry:

I thought it was one of their best episodes. The way the writers wove the Thanksgiving drama across the generations punctuated by Beth’s dry commentary on Thanksgiving with the Pearsons was sublime.