This Is Us. Anyone watching?

I almost wonder if we somehow took the GED comment out of context - that seems like such a no-brainer to know its incorrect. Unless it was there way of showing Deja being young and not realizing if she graduated early you don’t need a GED?!

Given 6 seasons of sloppy writing / unbelievable scenarios, only on College Confidential would users focus on graduating early/adding AP courses mid-year/taking GED after graduation. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


True… and if Deja and Malik opt to marry, we could have all kinds of advise about getting financial aid :wink:

Did anybody else think it was strange that Deja thought she could still go to college later if she did the Boston plan? I don’t think the parents would be willing to pay.

I know Harvard is “Harvard” but if Malik had gone to Penn (which I believe was an option) it would have made so many things (relationship with Deja, staying close to parents for help with childcare) easier.


The show is nothing about easier.


Deja deserves a better ending–about her and not about a boyfriend.


I’m going to miss this show so much.


She might get it - haven’t we seen her in the future and she is a doc?


It’s back tonight.


Glad its back!

Anyone keeping track about how many shows are left after tonight?

12 after tonight

May 24th is the last show. No gaps/breaks. I think that is 13 shows? Or maybe my math is bad. LOL

No show next week due to State of the Union Address.


Thank heavens for the opportunity to record them. Might miss a few.

I keep falling for the “we are running straight through to the end” lines I see about the show. Its straight through, except for the Olympics. And the State of the Union. LOL

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Tonight’s show made me so uncomfortable. Kevin is having to grow up and consider others. I had a hard time believing Kate would let him have it like that. They are so co-dependent. I can’t wait for Rebecca and Miguel to get together!


Found last night a bit frustrating. The Kate Toby drama seems forced to me. They were so on the same page last year and she just seems so stuck with not moving, yet not supporting Toby and not telling Kevin to leave.

Also, while I think Madison deserves to spend Thanksgiving how she wants to, why does she get the kids when this is THE Pearson holiday. I guess the implication is that the babies are too young or that Kevin couldn’t handle the twins alone?

Love the dancing scenes but Beth calling the teacher - a bit much.

Wonder where Kate contacting Sophie will lead…


Call to the teacher never would have happened. But the show has used similar unrealistic occurrences to get a point across. Beth wasn’t going to abandon dancers she was mentoring when they had peaked as she felt she was and at a time when she needed support. Showing the wall in the future with the pictures of all of her presumed mentee dancers with a wide variety of success on the stage was a way of showing that.

Don’t really get Kevin staying with Kate. He has the money to stay anywhere he wants. Kate and Toby are having issues and having Kevin there can’t make that better. Though maybe its a way for Kate to avoid having to look at issues she knows exist? And are all Toby’s calls truly work related? Seems like we know where their relationship is headed and in many cases, it takes time to get there. They are showing us everything on an accelerated basis in part because its the reality of the show and its timing.

I am seeing everything pointing us toward Kevin getting back with Sophie. Cassidy gave him a stiff arm. Elijah says he is staying around long term (though its not necessarily clear Madison feels the same?). But head fakes abound with the show.

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My thoughts – Beth calling the teacher (after 20? years, late at night) reminded me of Kate confronting the abusive boyfriend last season and Kate texting Sophie last night (when did she last talk to her and the reference was to an event 20? years earlier). The Pearsons seem to hold onto things a loooong time and assume everyone else remembers them and their incidents clearly. Can Kevin not afford an Airbnb? Why did no one seem concerned when Sophie was suddenly gone for Thanksgiving? I like Elijah and Madison together.

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