This Is Us. Anyone watching?

No one is making you watch the show. If the distance thing keeps you up at night, change the channel!

I have to wonder of some of you slice and dice all shows you watch! I just don’t think I do this - do the writers give me entertainment and interest? - great I’m in.

I also as an non-tv writer probably wouldn’t judge if these are good writers based on some distance or even story inconsistencies. In their sixth season with a huge following - I’d say these writers have been successful. This is not a biography, it’s a FICTIONAL family love story!!


May I introduce you to the Bridgerton subreddit??

And if you really want to see microanalysis in action, check out any board where they analyze the inconsistencies between Young Sheldon and The Big Bang Theory. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


You’re funny. Don’t worry about it. It does not keep me up at night and I don’t “slice and dice” everything I watch, no. Sorry I obviously ruffled your feathers. I love the show. Literally, that is the only thing that gets under my skin. Otherwise, it’s perfect.


No thanks! :blush:

I love discussion of shows and really try (do I always succeed?) to listen to other points of view. That’s what makes it a discussion.

Also re: then building a cabin when Rebecca’s health is failing - well, it’s not just building Rebecca and Miquel a cabin it’s a family cabin - a new edition of the one they all grew up with. Sure seems that even as 40 year olds they are willing to book some flights to go there so apparently the place is valued by all.

Not to mention they are completing their fathers dream place - not just building a short term home for Rebecca’s short term survival. It’s a doable task for a successful actor who sees this as a gift to his mom and family. At least that’s how I’ve viewed it


The small cabin could have stayed in the family. Building on the property when nobody lives anywhere near there anymore to create a compound does not seem practical at all. But, it’s a show. Rebecca is already declining, living in LA near 2 of her 3 children, grandchildren Randall lives nowhere near this cabin and will be running for office. It is a very interesting setup and seems unnecessarily challenging for adult children with busy, complicated lives to navigate.

I’m not arguing but isn’t a family second home in another location - like snowbirds with a home place in Florida or Arizona pretty common place? Or a Colorado mountain home? I just don’t think it’s that far fetched.

Absolutely not far fetched about a cabin. And maybe I am wrong about the intentions? It seemed like Rebecca would be relocating to this bigger home near Pittsburgh, despite her decline. That it would become her primary residence, with potential caregivers. But maybe not? I admit, I haven’t grasped all of that yet, so hopefully someone here has been following closely enough to figure out the end game.

Elderly parents that have second homes they enjoyed before their decline often want to move closer to family . To make it easier for them and their families. That is not farfetched either.

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The old family cabin was great for a couple with three kids. They are now a family of about 17. Since Kevin seems to have plenty of money, I think the bigger cabin is among the more sensible decisions they have made.
Plus I’m betting that we will see more of Big 3 Homes in the area.

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So, maybe they’ll all move back to Pittsburgh where it all began! :slight_smile:

Stranger things have happened. H and I both grew up in Pittsburgh, have lived in Virginia for decades, but could very well move back to Pittsburgh in our old age! I miss Eat n Park, Isaly’s chipped ham, Primanti’s , and Lemon Blennd! And I miss Pittsburgh.

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Not to mention that Jack even when not rich and famous had plans for a new place - carrying out the dream

I can’t even remember how Randell and Beth ended up in Philadelphia. Was it a move from NYC when B&R left their high-pressures jobs? They seem the least likely to move back to the ‘Burgh, but since it is such a short drive in TIU world, it’s not necessary.

So Randall can be closer to his job as a city councilman and so Beth could open her dance studio.


But where were they before? In the Philadelphia suburbs? I was thinking they were in NYC, for some reason.

Yes, I couldn’t remember how they ended up in Philadelphia either. Randall and Beth met at CMU, in Pittsburgh. And Randall was definitely from Pittsburgh, but I don’t remember where Beth is supposed to be from?

She was from DC, I think.

North Jersey. Alpine NJ specifically


Yes, thanks, that’s sounding familiar now. And I guess Philadelphia put them closer to her family and where she grew up . Still not super close to DC but closer than Pittsburgh. Still don’t remember if that played at all into settling in Philadelphia or not.

And yes, Alpine, NJ is ringing a bell. But, I still don’t remember how they ended up in eastern Pennsylvania, NJ?

I think they were drawn to Philadelphia because it’s where William had lived and Randall was still trying to understand his roots even after William died.


Thanks! I didn’t remember that connection.

I’m back from the sneak preview and cast panel discussion as part of Paleyfest - no spoilers from me but I will say this…it was the very best episode yet from this season. The cast was so generous of their time and experiences tonight - even they said they could have stayed all night long sharing stories with us - the 8 main cast members were there (Jack, Rebecca, Miguel, Beth, Randall, Kevin, Kate & Toby). It was pure delight. Can’t wait until we can all discuss the episode.