This Is Us. Anyone watching?

Which episode is this? This week’s?

Yes, episode 11, airing Tuesday the 5th. It’s titled Saturday in the Park.

The creator, writer/director Dan Fogelman said he just finished writing the finale episode on Friday. While he knew how he wanted to the show to go and eventually wrap up, he doesn’t write the episodes very far in advance, which is why we get many timely topics.

Most cast are getting an opportunity this season to write and/or direct - episode 3 was directed by Jon Huertas (Miguel); episode 5 was directed by Chris Sullivan (Toby); episode 6 was co-written by Susan Kelechi Watson (Beth); episode 8 was directed by Milo Ventimiglia (Jack); episode 9 was directed by Mandy Moore (Rebecca)…that’s all they were willing to share - they were very good about not giving us any indication of what’s to come. Talking with a few folks afterward we all agreed that we appreciated that.


They ended up in Philly because that was where William was living and Randall was compelled to try to buy the apartment building he lived in or something like that.


Yes…and because he owned the building he could run for elected office in Phila.

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Maybe that’s how Dr Oz can run for senate in PA but lives in NJ?

I know someone else who ran for Congress in eastern PA but lived in NJ (They had a family home in PA for their voting address and promised to move to the district if he won. Spoiler, he did not)

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Re: Randall and Philadelphia. “This Is Us” Is Getting Philadelphia So, So Wrong

The writers play fast and loose with lots of stuff, no matter the location. But ,hey, it’s just a TV show! I have to keep reminding myself of that! :slight_smile:

@sevmom, don’t worry. If you don’t remember, someone is sure to remind you! LOL.

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Found this discussing the PaleyFest panel. So envious you got to be there @JustaMom! Sounds like it was fantastic!


That was interesting thanks! I watched the video that had the actors say which characters they most relate to. Like Milo, I find synergy with parts of most of the characters. A few said Beth, and I get that.

Oh I can’t watch this. Poor Jack. You can see it coming.

I’m with Toby … who teaches their toddler to unlock the door??? I said that when she first did it. Dh asks why isn’t there a lock high enough the kids can’t reach? We did that with our sighted kids! ARGH

Also, our then-3yo once let himself out and roamed the neighborhood. Scary as hell.


Can’t imagine talked to a sighted child at that age about crossing the street (busy or otherwise) other than “do not do it without an adult.” Much less a blind child that age.

When emergencies happen, you often don’t arrange things logically. But it made no sense to have Toby watching Jack while Rebecca is helping move furniture to help deal with the plumbing problem. Let Rebecca watch Jack and Toby help with the plumbing issue. But that’s a hindsight being 20-20 situation.

Was that all there is to blame the green egg? Seems like you could more so blame the plumbing issue. Though maybe its because Toby spent money on the green egg and not on fixing the plumbing issue?


Oh, goodness. Haven’t watched this episode yet, but when dh did an expat assignment in the UK when ds was a toddler, I once locked myself OUT of our house with ds in it. Didn’t matter that it was a lock that was reachable by ds because it was a keyed lock (with a skeleton key, no less) from both sides. Keyed locks safer for toddlers, but not cool from a fire standpoint.


Saw this today :grinning: I hadn’t even heard of a green egg before this show/thread!


This episode made me sad.


Boy, I really don’t like either Kate or Kevin now. What a pair of dysfunctional characters. Thank heavens for Randall and Beth although if I were Beth, I’d be very reluctant to ever again fly cross country to witness their nonsense.


They are so co-dependent. Toby wasn’t wrong when he said that’s the way it’s always been with the three of them.

I was hoping next week would be the Miguel episode, but, no, more of this sad split.


Well, that was a truly depressing episode.

Regardless of who didn’t lock what, my parents, who were definitely from the experiment-and-be-free school of parenting, drilled into our toddler minds that you never ever cross the street without a trusted adult.

And since they go to the park every Saturday, were there no other parents or nannies that would recognize Jack at some point between the house and the park and not question why a blind toddler was by himself?


I was anxious the whole episode. I am glad little Jack came out OK. Very scary! Accidents happen, and probably everyone is at fault. I am glad the green egg didn’t blow up. Smart of Rebecca to figure out Jack went to the park.


One time we had a former boss and his wife over for dinner. The woman happened to look outside and see our two-year-old daughter running down the driveway toward the street!! I about died.