This Is Us. Anyone watching?

FYI, if you use Spotify there are some This Is Us playlists. I like the “This is Us: Best Of”.


I really liked this episode. The way Sophie and Kevin looked at each other throughout the episode was perfect- so much emotion conveyed through their eyes.

I like that the big 3 each found happiness following different paths. Randall and Beth from early on, Kate with different marriages, and Kevin by coming full circle back to Sophie. Also true of Nicky - later in life, and Rebecca with Jack, and then Miguel. I’m so sad for this to end. :sob::sob::sob:


Yay - Team Sophie wins! I thought this episode was perfect. Really always felt they were meant to be together, and really like how they framed it as Kevin having grown up is now a match for Sophie, especially poignant hearing Rebecca’s words to who she thinks is young Sophie. Cassidy and Kevin being best friends was perfect as it showed his growth in his being able to be friends with a woman and being responsible enough and mature enough to be able provide support to her (i.e thinking about someone other than himself).


Reading comments about this week’s episode and the overall satisfaction with it, I’m reminded of the first episode. I watched that one with a skeptical eye, not sure this was a show I would take to with all the skipping around. However, I remember being sucked in during the last segment and thinking I was glad I hadn’t switched it off halfway through. It has often required an investment to follow all the time jumps, but it has been so worth it. One of my favorite shows ever and I love reading everyone’s reactions in this thread each week. I hope the last 4 episodes prove as satisfying as this week’s episode.


I also was glad to hear the conversation between Kevin and Cassidy. It indicated that Cassidy seems to be at a good place, has some joy in her life and continues to work at Kevin’s home building company. I hope she has beat some of her demons.

We don’t really hear if Kevin is still acting - I’m assuming he is, but wonder what he is doing - another sitcom? Movies? We do hear about his non-profit which also seems like it has been a big learning experience for him - focusing on others outside of himself and his family.


I just watched a YouTube thing that speculates that not only will we learn more about Miguel this episode but that they will kill him off this episode, too. If that’s the case, y’all will have to carry on without me. That would be brutal. :worried:


Out of curiosity, I checked ages of actors playing these characters: Sophie, about a month shy of 40; Beth, 40; Kate,41; Kevin, 45; Randall, 46. Remember the
triplets are all the same age and Beth and Sophie are supposed to be in the same year in school. Show definitely cast younger women than men.

Rebecca, 38. Jack (currently) 44.

Zoe, 34; Madison, 34; Cassidy, 43.

We will hold your hand, if need be. :blush:

@jonri I don’t know who said this above but someone mentioned that they thought last nights episode didn’t age Sophie to 45. “Kevin” posted pics on social media last night that showed some close up photos of he and Sophie and she did have some wrinkles and such around her eyes. I think it wasn’t as obvious on my screen anyway!

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I’ve been enjoying all the seasons of This is Us. (Not so for hubby. He just tolerates it because of my preferences. And my reminder that is almost the ONLY thing that I still watch on Comcast, which we mostly keep for him.). It’s been nice to have this thread for discussions! I’ll miss the show and this thread when it’s done.


My husband direct like it at all! I have to watch it by myself.


What was the name of the song Rebecca sang at the wedding? it was very nice.

“The Forever Now” Written by Siddhartha Khosla (who scores the show) with Taylor Goldsmith (Mandy Moore’s real-life husband).


I was pro-Sophie from the start and I liked how they handled this episode. Glad the valentine didn’t burn up in the fire either. It was meant to be.

My husband and I were on a mini-vacation and ended up having a late dinner (me “no it’s fine…I can watch later…it’s fine”). I was going to wait and stream it when we got home but we got back to the hotel by 9:30 so I live watched the second half and then went back and watched the first half last night. I usually watch by myself and cautioned husband he was not to talk or make fun of anything. Thankfully he put on his headphones and sat with his back to the tv so as not to distract me. LOL. I’m going to miss this show for the show and for the fandom.


See, that is what I have always been afraid of. He was not seen in the preview shots of the final, right? But then, neither was Kate. Hmmmm.


Yes but the valentine would have been lost with the wallet, as @skieurope pointed out. :sweat_smile:

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Yes, I was adding on to that. That valentine has survived a lot in the magical world of This Is Us!

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I mean, he’s gotta die at some point as we all do, but if they draw us in with some sad story and then kill him right off??!! That’s not right. I will be inconsolable.

About that valentine … I wasn’t going to be a downer after the episode, but that whole last minute I didn’t care for. Twice in 24 hours Sophie said that she is concerned about how she doesn’t want to go back to who they were, so then he pulls out an almost-40yo Valentine? Then the whole clan watching and clapping? Good grief, these people are so co-dependent. And his 8yo twins are clapping? How do they know WTH is going on? Really, they are going to be happy to see dad kissing this woman who is not their mother??? I would have been happy to cut all that and seen more dancing like in the TikTok!

ETA: I have loved this show, but I think I’m ready for it to end. It will go down as a fave for me, like Parenthood and Friday Night Lights.


Remember, Sophie told nobody that she and Grant were divorced. So what were they applauding? Thumbs up for adultery?


Oh, that’s right. Yuck. Maybe everybody clapping there was supposed to be us the audience – clapping for them but also clapping because the “who is it?” storyline tease was finally over.

Kevin told Randall Sophie was divorced, didn’t he?

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