This Is Us. Anyone watching?

Kevin told Randall so I guess we are to believe that he told everyone in those two minutes. But, also, if we are supposed to believe that Sophie and Kate had once again become super close, she wouldn’t have known and tipped off Kevin? Just so much of all of that is a s t r e t c h.


If Miguel does not make it until the end I think there will be some story behind it other than Miguel has some sudden demise. There is too much thoughtfulness in this show for type of ending. He may get sick and the family somehow gets involved and supports him, he may be in another room of the house also very ill…

3 or 4 episodes left?

I agree they could have just left the crowd clapping out of it. Maybe that was an ode to us at home, also silently clapping

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i’m thinking Heart attack or stroke for Miguel since they alluded to his high blood pressure. Having Rebecca to have to endure two husbands dying may be to be too much for me to bear. Theoretically, with a dementia maybe she won’t remember, but still seems pretty cruel😞

The blood pressure meds certainly set us up for that. It would be interesting, I suppose, for Miguel to die, leaving the kids with the decision how best to care for Rebecca. Does that speed up Kevin and Rebecca moving to the cabin? Sophie is a nurse so she could oversee Rebecca’s medical needs. Hmmmmmm.



I am obviously in the minority, but if sophie was my daughter, I would not want her going back to Kevin. He has cheated on her once, broken her heart, embarrassed her, lied to her ect ect. In fact, the very same night before the wedding, it was Cassidy, not Kevin who put a stop to things. If Cassidy had said, “OK, let hop in bed,” they implied Kevin would have gone for it - right after Sophie had walked out of the room. This doesn’t show some big change to me, it seems Kevin is still immature and just because he has “always loved Sophie,” he has not acted worthy of the love she has shown him.

I would have been happier if Cassidy had been the end game, showing that they built a true friendship and that a mature love, where they know and accept each other’s “demons”, had grown out of that, similar to what happened with Miguel and Rebecca.


You’re not wrong about any of it. I also wanted Cassidy, also because it feels like a different trajectory. I do think Kevin has grown, but, yeah, it’s a lot to accept. Hence my earlier comment that I’m ready for the show to end.

I think Kevin took the valentine out of a ‘memory stash’ and placed it in his current wallet.
I don’t think he carried it around all these years.


We can go with that. :sweat_smile:


On some level, had Sophie been ok with being with Kevin like it was in high school/their first marriage, I think Kevin would have been fine with that. And had she not stiff armed him (twice) Kevin would have been with Cassidy. Episode had some last call at a bar vibes to it.

Joining this thread way late…
I’ve been assuming the main reason they showed Rebecca choosing Kate as the back-up to Miguel for Rebecca’s medical decisions is because Miguel will not be there at the end.

You say that like it’s a bad thing :rofl:

I could be wrong, but somewhere along the line (kind of early on), I could swear there was a flash forward scene for the gathering at Kevin’s house … and Toby said he was coming but didn’t think Kate would be there. Am I confusing that with another scene? It’s hard to keep it all straight.

Toby came but I don’t believe he said anything about Kate either way.

Toby said he spoke to Jack and ‘they’ were on their way.
‘They’ were not identified.


Yes he did not specifically mention Kate.

IMO it is very kind of Tony to come to the cabin.

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Neither Kate nor Miquel have been seen or mentioned by name in the final flash forward at the cabin. Which is what made some people believe/fear that one or both of them could be dead. But we Kate in the flashforward with Jack Jr. singing at the club so if she is alive then, she is alive at the time of the cabin scene (even if not there).

I have read statements from the cast/writers that not everyone gets an ending that is happy. Rebecca’s does not appear to be happy (though its ultimately the same one we will all have). Not sure what Miquel’s fate is in terms of the ending of the show (though no one gets out of this life alive).

For those people missing the show already, maybe there is hope:

That was the first time we have seen Kate that far in the future, which was just a couple of weeks ago All the speculation about her not being alive predated that reveal.

As far as Miguel, he’s 6 years older than Rebecca, so pushing 90 if alive during the flash forward cabin scene. His being dead was speculated due to that fact, and well before the “clues” with Kate having Power of Attorney and the reveal of the hypertension meds.


Welcome! Speculation R Us!


Here’s my theory: They showed Kevin looking at the bottle of Miguel’s antihypertensive meds (anyone happen to see which one it was? I think they showed the label) and Miguel and Randall enjoying nice wines at the wedding/winery. Miguel mentioned nice wines are something the both enjoy. Well… mixing alcohol and antihypertensives can cause a drop in blood pressure. You can fall, you can have a heart arrhythmia, you can faint and injure yourself. Alcohol can also decrease the efficacy of some antihypertensives. Its probably fine to have some alcohol, but too much could cause a problem….