This Is Us. Anyone watching?

I thought it was a great episode. Really showed their evolving relationship and also how Miguel was taught to be a caregiver by his mother. I feel like these guys couldn’t win. Jack was rejected by Rebeccas family because he wasn’t successful enough. Miguel was rejected by his own family because he was too successful. I didn’t understand the rift between him and his kids. Was that explored in previous seasons (I haven’t always been an avid watcher). I do feel like the finale is being a bit rushed. I would have liked more of Miguel and Rebeccas story and less of things like Deja & her boyfriend and Randall’s birth mother. But overall it was a really good episode.

Again, the only silly thing for me was Kevin showing up on Miguel’s son’s doorstep. Doesn’t he live in Houston? What if he was on vacation or had moved? Wouldn’t most people just call, text or send an email? Or at least call before they fly halfway across the country?


Also while we didn’t see him last night, we can assume that maybe Nicky stepped in some as well to care for Rebecca - or at least he was by her bedside in that bedroom scene.

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The scene of Kevin and Miguel’s son spreading some of Miguel’s ashes on his old baseball field in Puerto Rico was a real tearjerker!


I like the anecdote about Miguel’s hair in this article.


Good article, thanks!

I thought it was a great episode but could have been another 1/2 to full hour. Such feels with the scenes as Miguel’s health gets worse and eventually the nurse is taking care of both of them and then they’re both sitting there at the table eating out of their bowls. You can’t stop the progression of time no matter how hard you try. I haven’t read any of the article posted here yet but am going to next.

I think there were other earlier maybe season one episodes where we saw the destruction of Miguel’s marriage and how he became estranged from his kids but they just really glossed over that last night. Also, the scene at the cabin where they walk in on Rebecca and Miguel kissing - that was from an earlier episode wasn’t it? I’m always confused about how much is cut and pasted and how much is newly filmed.

I think they used that Billy Joel song And So It Goes in another episode a year or so ago. Because I remember hearing it and thinking I forgot I love that song and then I downloaded it.

I’m confused about why Kate was calling Toby in the preview. Wouldn’t that be after the divorce and why would she want his input on that?

Interestingly, Huertas did the opposite of Miguel in real life. He is half-Puerto Rican, and his family surname is German. He took a Hispanic name professionally.

I liked the episode, but now I’m a bit confused. Every now and again, This Is Us seems to adjust story lines.

If I recall correctly–maybe I don’t?–in one episode, Jack wins a lot of money at an illegal poker game. The “hosts” didn’t like Jack quitting the game when he was thousands of dollars ahead. Jack is beaten and robbed after he leaves the game. He and Miguel plan to rob the illegal poker game to replace the money Jack was robbed of. Jack is distracted when he sees Rebecca singing at the bar, which I think was upstairs from where the illegal game was held. Miguel finally comes in to see what the heck is keeping Jack because he’s waiting outside with the getaway car.

Then in a different episode, Jack comes into a clothing store where Miguel is a salesman, looking to buy a blazer for his first meeting with Rebecca’s dad. He just got out of the military and is flat broke. Miguel tells him to “borrow” the blazer overnight. If he leaves the tags on, he can return it the next day. The episode makes it seem as if this is when he and Jack first meet.

Then in this episode, it makes it seem that Miguel and Jack met at the construction company.

Also, I could have sworn that Miguel was married to Shelly before Jack and Rebecca married, but I can’t find any episode that says this.

Anyone else remember any of this?

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I’m pretty sure they met at the clothing store too. I also thought Miguel hired Jack at the construction company (after he already knew him from the clothing store) but is that right? I also remember him going into the bar and being distracted seeing Rebecca singing. So you’re right that he couldn’t have already been meeting her Dad in the suit before he and Miguel were at the bar.
I thought Miguel married Shelly before Jack and Rebecca married. Did something last night contradict that? I don’t remember.


I read that some episodes feel rushed because they lost a couple of episodes due to Covid last season. I think Miguel’s story wasn’t complete because they were going to explore it last season.

Yes to less time on Randall’s mother, could have cut out the Deja story altogether and concentrated on the story’s they could have explored more.

For instance, I heard that Kate was to be partnered with the neighbor next door, the one who had the stroke instead of Phillip which makes more sense but that actor needed to drop out because of Covid.

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Interesting…I was anticipating that something, even a strong friendship, would come out of that relationship with the neighbor. This explains why that never transpired.


How many friends do the Pearsons have? Madison (has children with Kevin), Miguel (married Rebecca after Jack died) and Cassidy (without the 2 stiff arms may have been married to Kevin). Toby and Beth were friends (and then Phillip) presumably before becoming spouses. Others?

There aren’t many friends, but remember, this is just a t.v. show. We aren’t seeing every aspect of their lives.


Yes. Miguel was in a bar with Jack and Rebecca when he met Shelley (per last night’s episode).
I only ever remember a vague “oh, we are divorcing” scene way back re: Miguel and Shelley, nothing about his children. But, then again, I’m not always the best historian.
ETA: I cried at this one. Really sad. I have suspected Miguel would “go” first.
And Rebecca has a horrible disease but man, she has been totally loved by two wonderful men. Can’t beat that.


I understand its a TV show. But thinking about other TV shows I watch, they all involve friends; not just family. Just an observation. Not complaining about it. Unlike many of the people talking about geography and time travel issues. :wink:


IMO this is just a very family-centric show. Other shows revolve more around friendships, work relationships etc.

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I just watched this afternoon and what a disaster- I’ve been crying ever since! What a touching episode. It made me wish they’d given Miguel more screen time throughout the series.

The song And So it Goes… for decades, this has been my go-to piano song when I’m feeling melancholy. I play it and sing along and cry. Lol. So as soon as it started, I knew I was done for.

I loved Kevin and Miguel’s son spreading his ashes and the flashback to Miguel playing there as a boy.

The caregiving scenes make me emotional every time as a nine year caregiver for my mom with Alzheimer’s. It’s exhausting, you ignore your own health, and you bristle when anyone suggests you may need help. Miguel had the right temperament and a heart of hold.


There has been a lot of “talk” on the internet about how few friends the Pearsons have and there’s actually a joking reference to it in one episode.

Some additions/corrections

Toby and Kate were never just friends. They met in a weight loss program. Toby was recently divorced and he hit on Kate right away.

Sophie was best friends with Kate when they were young. There’s the episode in which Kate has a separate birthday party from the boys because she wants to do girly things. I think the kids are 10. Kevin crashes it because he has a crush on Sophie. Right after it he tells his parents he’s going to marry Sophie some day.

There’s a kid whose name I don’t remember who is in one of the Halloween episodes. The kid is Kevin’s friend?–not sure, I think so. Kate has a crush on him. There’s some kind of Haunted House and he asks Kate to go through it with him. I think there’s a little kid kiss involved. Kevin gives the kid half his candy for doing it, to make Kate happy. So we know the boy really isn’t interested in Kate.

Yvette–a black woman who befriends the Pearsons when she sees them at the town pool with Randall. She gives them advice on how to parent Randall. Remember Jack joining the father/son thing with Randall where he is the only white father?

Madison became Sophie’s replacement as best friend when Kevin’s cheating and Sophie’s assumption that Kate knew about it wrecked the Kate/Sophie friendship.

I think Kate has another girlfriend after high school. She lies and tells her mom she’s staying with the friend when she goes off with creeper boy from record store. I don’t think we ever see her. It’s just repeated references to Kate staying with Julia?–was that the name-- or Julia stopping by when the rest of the family goes away after Jack’s death.

There’s also the white girl who is Randall’s prom date. She genuinely likes Randall but her parents aren’t happy about their friendship/budding romance.

This is the best I can do…with a little help from Wikipedia.

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This wasn’t Miguel. It was a friend named Darryl Magee. Jack wanted to open “Pearson & Magee Auto Body Shop” with him. They were looking for quick-fix money options and ended up at the poker game.
Last episode of Season 1, titled “Moonshadow”

Yes - Season 1’s “I Call Marriage.” Best Man Miguel speaks at Jack’s and Rebecca’s reception and refers to “my… wife Shelly”, sitting next to him.

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Thanks! I suspect my subconscious morphed Magee into Miguel.

And I just couldn’t find the reference that said Miguel and Shelly married first.

They did address the estrangement with Miguel’s kids in an earlier season. I remember that it happened, but not the specifics.