This Is Us. Anyone watching?

Guess there will always be people focused on distances and geography. Maybe it would be preferable to name cities in shows and movies Springfield and Franklin to avoid those issues? Because it will often be the case that any given real city will not work for one or more storylines writers wish to pursue, all locations won’t be available for taping, etc.

Thought it was a good episode. A little odd to get Miquel’s back story (and how he and Rebecca started dating) and spread his ashes in the same episode. Maybe that just speaks to Randall’s toast at Kate’s wedding about life moving so fast.

Looks like Randall will keep being Randall. Rebecca specifically and expressly said she wanted Kate to make decisions for her if Miquel wasn’t around to make them. Randall agreed to that. But in the previews Randall is talking about Rebecca moving in with him. Presumably so he can make the decisions for her. Ignore your mom’s wishes and put your sister in a horrible position. Maybe he will come around by the end of the series.

I don’t see where Kate making final decisions about Rebecca precludes her from, hopefully, considering her brothers’ thoughts, opinions, about their mother and options for her in her last years.


Very sweet episode. I cried at the end. Miguel was so sweet to Rebecca. I am glad they told him they loved him and reached out to his son. Kevin has really stepped up.


Wow! What a beautifully nuanced episode. It didn’t feel rushed and it felt real. Jon Huertas (Miguel) is an amazing actor. He had me captivated every scene. Just wow!

Now to read the thread!


That’s Randall being Randall. Trying to save the world/his mom. And maybe, Kate being Kate by being a little wishy washy on taking that leadership - was it Toby we see telling Kate that Rebecca have her the reins so she needs to take them? Maybe this ends up being Randall’s growth- finally letting go of the power struggle to “save “

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Except Randall. And everything he has shown during the show. And maybe I am reading too much into the preview. Randall says he thinks they need a family meeting. And he thinks Rebecca should move in with him. Based on past history, Randall always thinks he knows what is best. For everyone. I don’t read that to mean he just wants to express his thoughts and opinions about his mother.

Then Kevin says this is the opposite of what Rebecca would have wanted. And he will honor her wishes if it kills him.

Then “Decision” and “Must be Made” flash on the screen and Kate is on the phone with Toby saying she can’t decide what is best. Toby tells her Rebecca chose Kate for a reason. Kate then says they need to be able to look at Rebecca, Randall says they do that all the time and tells Randall no he doesn’t.

Like I said, maybe Randall finally comes around. We know that in the end Rebecca is living in the big house next to the cabin so she doesn’t end up living with Randall. But it looks like Randall is going to fight that beyond when he should have stopped.

This episode was like many of the recent episodes for me. I will think that they are moving things forward nicely, but that I’m not as emotionally touched as I had thought I would be and then, POW!, the final segment! Kevin going to visit Miguel’s son and the use of “And So It Goes” sent me from dry eyes to sobbing. My only quibble was that Miguel also had a daughter, if I remember correctly from an earlier episode, and they left me wondering about her. I guess there is only so much room for story development and the repair of his relationship with his son was all they could develop. Nice scene of big reconciled family Thanksgiving, but we were still missing Randall’s girls. I assume for all the same reasons we have speculated on for the last few episodes.

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Should have read the Vulture recap before posting as it points out that Miguel’s daughter is there for the big family holiday and I now remember seeing her at the apple tree after he dies.

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It made me sad to think that Miguel felt that he failed at everything. Gosh, he seemed like a sweet kid, he worked to learn a new language, he tried to take care of his parents (though his dad seemed to refuse), he worked the system to get a job and make a living - realizing his Hispanic name would not get him the job, he was a good friend to Jack, he seemed to get along with lots of people as seen as walking in that bar to meet Jack and Rebecca and he knew everyone. He made a good living and worked hard and when finely paired with Rebecca - whose kids were really NOT going to ever be very accepting of any man being with their mother, let alone their Dad’s best friend - he loved and cared for Rebecca fully. He tried so many times to win over the kids - but over the seasons you could see that it was very tough for him to ever relax around the big three. His patience and dedication to Rebecca’s condition could not be beat.


I lost it when the Billy Joel song came on. And seeing Rebecca sitting there with the totally blank look on her face. That was my grandmother towards the end. And my mom, to a lesser extent (I’m frankly glad she ended up passing quickly from cancer rather than lingering on as Rebecca did).


From the article, a nice perspective on the scene when Randall, advocates for help for Miquel as he cares for Rebecca.

Also, kudos to the writers for infusing much of Jon Huertas life story into the episode!

“ It’s really daunting for someone to have to suddenly be the caregiver for an adult,” Huertas told Us . “It takes a lot of their energy to support another human being and to forget about themselves. Ithink the people around them need to — which the Big Three have done for Miguel — they’ve really stepped up later in life. We have that great scene where the Big Three asks Miguel to please let them take care of him now. And I think that was just one of the most beautiful moments to film that I’ve ever been a part of. Looking into all three of their eyes as an actor was just — I felt like they were asking me, Jon, if they could take care of me and it was real. And I think that that should happen way more often in families.”

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I would sort of like to watch this scene again - I wasn’t sure cause I didn’t catch all the words - if Miguel was taking this as “let us take care of you now too” or as a failure to him that he was not well enough to take care of Rebecca.

I know this is a story, but it rips my heart thinking how Rebecca was SO attached and reliant on Miguel - if he left the room she would panic - and how it must have been for her when her person, Miguel, died. :frowning:

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My husband and I also recognized that look - that was rough. Sorry you did too.

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If anyone sees worthwhile reviews/summaries/interviews of these last few episodes as they air, please post them!

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While it wasn’t as clear in this episode, the connection between Rebecca and Miguel was very clear from previous episodes. A woman I was friendly with had early onset Alzheimer’s. We were at a party and when her DH was not by her side she walked around asking for him. But when older songs started playing she still knew all the words. Rebecca asking where Miguel was brought me back to that heartbreaking moment. His care of Rebecca and then Kevin helping both of them was beautiful.

Would have liked to see more of Miguel’s family and the reason for the estrangement. So glad his kids came back before he passed away.

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When I visit my friend with Alzheimer’s while her husband at work, she asks repeatedly, “Where’s Phil? When will he be home?” For awhile, it worked for him to write his location on the white board on their refrigerator and she knew to check it, but she can no longer read.

I feel like we have not had a lot of Randall this season. (maybe I just like him so much and this isn’t true!). So I’m wondering if the next episode or two might focus a bit more on him and his place in the family - especially as the adoptive child and the protector role he has always played. I feel like we had a lot focused on Kevin and Kate recently - maybe Randall gets more screen time.

Although that it was hard for him physically, I was relieved that Rebecca recognized and wanted Miguel even as she declined. I was worried that she would have been looking for Jack and would reject Miguel. I think that writing decision, whether or not it was intentionally done, told us a lot about how the characters and relationships evolved throughout the show.


Next episode (titled Family Meeting) looks like it will involve a 3 of the Big Three. May include flash backs to other family meetings or events that shaped current views of the siblings. But presumably Randall will play a big role in at least the next episode. And his role as protector will no doubt be on full display.

Seems to me the adoptive child angle has been fully explored at this point. I cannot find screen time that covers more than just the first 4 seasons but appears that Randall was favored in the first half of the series. In large part because the adoptive child angle was covered.

By character and actor for first 3 seasons:

By actor for first 4 seasons:

Makes sense Mandy Moore would have most screen time as an actor because she plays all versions of the adult Rebecca.

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I am not against Randall having more screen time. :slight_smile: :wink:

Randall and Beth taped their last scene yesterday. The show wraps this week??