This Is Us. Anyone watching?

Madison’s twins are grandchildren of Rebecca and Miguel. That’s why they’re there. Madison and Elijah’s kid was there because, well, can’t leave him home alone.

I heard “arts” curriculum, not art.


I don’t think there will be any weight loss for Kate, CGI or otherwise. Chrissy Metz has been really public about striving for body positivity. A huge weight loss would send the opposite message.

Kevin was very respectful to Kate when he told her his idea, and acknowledged that she had the final say. I thought Kate and Philip looked relieved, knowing that Rebecca could stay in the home she loved, surrounded by family, including a daughter-in-law who was a nurse and a son who had the time and the means to focus on her needs.


When Mandy Moore was on Jimmy Fallon last night, she said that next week’s episode (the one that made her physically ill to read the script) would wreck people emotionally, but the final episode will be like a hug. I hope that means we get lots of answers and happy endings.


Yes, I’m counting on that being the reason they kill off Rebecca next week, so we can focus on happy endings.


I probably won’t have enough self control to do it, but I am considering waiting to watch next week’s episode off the DVR until just before the finale on the 24th.

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I realized I’ll be on vacation on the 24th with my daughter who hasn’t watched this entire season yet. I hate to spoil her so I may have to wait!

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I have no idea how next week’s episode will hit me. Remember, I’m the one who started the, “do you cry often thread,” where I stated that I don’t cry often anyway, and certainly not at fiction.

However, I have never had the opportunity to say goodbye to someone, so I don’t have a clue as to what that looks like and what people typically say. Seeing the preview has made me think of what I might say should I ever have that privilege.


When I knew my mom didn’t have much time left, but she could still hear people, I called her up and tried to tell her what a wonderful mother she’d been. I told her my favorite memory of her would always be seeing her bombing through the African bush in a safari vehicle, her makeup and hairdo perfect as always. :slight_smile:


It’s hard to remember all the details…last night at the end (or in the preview?) we see Kevin calling Randall to say he needs to come as soon as possible. Does he call Kate? I know we don’t see that but it’s going to take Kate, Toby or anyone on the west coast some time to get there.

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Artistic license. They are not going to show all his phone calls.

All the “mothers are magic” stuff right after Mother’s Day really got to me. Not just thinking about my own mom but also thinking about myself as a mom. Some of those baby scenes were very familiar (my husband wouldn’t/couldn’t deal with vomit so that was always me, could sleep through anything whereas I heard everything, etc.). It’s really just what moms do without really thinking about it so it was nice/emotional to see it highlighted. Watching the previews for next week I suddenly felt like I didn’t want to watch next week (but I will). I hate goodbyes and I think it’s going to focus on each character saying goodbye.

Most of my other comments have already been said. I didn’t think it was at all weird that Madison et al were there and I knew as soon as they talked about the fresh air that they were going to move there. And although I commented last week about the Kate talking to Toby scene in the preview I like the way it played out, including the “should we get back together” showing that he can finally joke with her.


Remember in thirtysomething, at the end of the series Gary is killed in a bicycle vs automobile accident, while Nancy, the one expected to die, survives ovarian cancer?

Ken Olin exec produces This Is Us. Expect a reprise of the unexpected death scenario?


Are you saying that they might kill off Kate? We see her at that early Jack show, but, as I’ve stated, I am bad with the timelines.

IDK. Speculating that it will be something unexpected, like Gary’s death on thirtysomething.

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I also loved thirtysomething. I’ll leave it at that as we get dinged when we expand the topic of the thread.


I never watched that show, but I really, really, really don’t think at this point they would kill off Kate and then wrap things up pretty in a final episode.

One of the flash forwards shows Kate at adult Jack, Jr concert. Seems to me in the timeline that is clearly after Rebecca dies. So don’t see how Kate could be death at the time of Rebecca’s death.

Ultimately not everyone gets a happy ending. Did Miquel have a happy ending? His ending appeared to be better than most. He had to cope with Rebecca’s health issues but that is incredibly common for most people. Its not a cartoon so I wouldn’t expect everyone to live happily ever after. LOL

I’m reminded that I wish we had heard a little more of Jack Jr.'s music story along the way. Maybe he will do a finale song tribute somehow to his family.

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Last night’s episode showed me the importance of making plans and letting those plans known.

I get the symbolism of Rebecca taking care of the kids and now they take care of her. And also the speech at thanksgiving, Rebecca telling the kids to grow and do their thing.

If it were me, I would have told the kids that it was ok to put me in a memory care facility. Don’t sacrifice your life for me. I won’t know where I am anymore, put me in a nice facility. Visit me but I don’t want to have the kids burdened about what to do.

I felt in the end, Kevin did what Rebecca didn’t want him to do. To quit his acting career and move to the cabin and take care of her. I thought that wasn’t what her wishes were.

And I seriously did not understand why everyone was against Randall taking Rebecca to Philly. He could have put her in a very nice facility and visited often. His family would be there.

To have Kevin and Madison upend their lives, just sat with me wrong. Kate’s kids were in LA. Randall’s kids were not there either. Why was Madison there, she could have been home even if she went to Miguel’s funeral, it was a week later.

6 years she lived that way! 6 years!