This Is Us. Anyone watching?

I agree with so much of this. Randall has always gone above and beyond for the right thing to do - to a fault perhaps but I don’t know why it’s often seen this way. Kate and Kevin were more self-absorbed in life until recent episodes. I felt like they didn’t want Randall to “win” or make the save again. Of course, it did sound like Randall wasn’t talking a facility but his home. (???)

I agree, 6 years!!!


Randall wouldn’t have put her into a facility. He would have moved her into his home, which is what he suggested, Beth predicted, and Rebecca likely didn’t want. He would have sacrificed his own career path and/or his relationship with Beth if she ended up being the main caregiver.

I don’t think Kevin felt at all like he was putting his life on hold or choosing a trajectory he didn’t want. The Manny and the kind of roles he was getting weren’t fulfilling to him. His Big Three construction company, where he gave opportunities to veterans, was extremely fulfilling and energizing. Part of his maturity was finding new ways to get validation. He used to get by on his looks, attention from women, and superficial things. Beginning with his relationship with Madison, perhaps, he started focusing on creating emotional honesty and finding fulfillment outside of Hollywood. Also, he may have still been able to act, but for shorter stints and not a weekly comedy.


Mandy Moore knew her death was coming so I don’t think she would “throw up” over it. I believe it could be Kate’s death. I know she was at Jack’s concert, but maybe that was before Rebecca’s death. How old is Jack at the time of her death?

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Ultimately, I think what happens is Kevin’s vision more than it is Rebecca’s. But I think that will be pretty common. Would you expect Rebecca to say drop everything/change your life completely/put things on hold to take care of me? Ultimately, the choice though is Kevin’s and the rest of the family. At this point, he has done enough in his career (and didn’t he get turned down for other parts besides the Manny redux one?). He wants his priority to be taking care of his mom. I do not view that as wrong. Also gets to see his kids more often because they will live in the cabin compound. Will be interesting to see how well that would work out with Kevin and Madison being married to different people living in the same compound.

For many people (really most), there is no option but to put your life on hold/sacrifice everyone to care for aging parents. Without money, there are no other options. Pearsons had money and thus other options. But that is a total luxury. Rebecca likely is sick enough to qualify for care but it would be Medicaid covered without other funds. Very much different than the care she would have received on the show staying in the compound surrounded by family. If you do not qualify for nursing care and do not have the money, you are likely needing family/friends to help care for you.


I’ve gone to 2 funerals in the past month that the persons had dementia. In my opinion and my grandma had Alzheimer’s, its the ultimate gift to let your loved ones know that it’s ok to let you go to a memory care facility. It’s absolute :fire: on earth taking care of a person with severe dementia.

I’ve said my piece on how I feel.

In my little fantasy world, Beth would have talked sense into Randall, they would find a very nice memory care facility and Rebecca would have plenty of visitors.

My take is just that, my opinion of the episode.

Also flying into Philly from the west coast is much easier than getting to the Pocono’s.

Also I see the irony of Kate not wanting to move away from LA to SF because she want her kids to know their cousins, and her mom was there. And then everyone moved away from her. It actually seems to happen when you make plans based on other people’s lives.


The whole “Kate is dead” hypothesis gained momentum a couple of years ago because until Jack’s concert a few weeks ago, she was not seen kin any of the 2030’s flash forwards.

I didn’t get that at all. He’s wrapping up The Manny, so no need to be in LA. He could be transitioning to doing Big 3 Homes full-time, but I doubt it. More realistically, he could commute to do theater or TV in NYC or he could concentrate on film. While movie shoots would take him away from home for months at a time, he does not need to be based in LA.

However it ends, I will be fine as long as they don’t have Jack waking up next to Rebecca saying, “You won’t believe the dream I just had!"


No way Randall would have put her in a facility. He said she needed to be cared for by her family.

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My sweet mother typed out a statement years ago that she wanted us to know it was OK for my sister and me to put her in a facility if there was a need to. She just asked that we try to visit often. We could tell from the note that she assumed she would outlive my dad, which did not turn out to be the case. She was actually looking forward to the independent living facility but did not live long enough to get to enjoy it.


Agree about Kevin. I don’t get the sense that he gave up his career. I assumed more of his work would be on the East Coast, such as Broadway or off-Broadway. And he’s got Big 3. I think he doesn’t “need” his acting career as much anymore.


I understand and agree with that. I was just responding to people, who having seen the flash forward at the concert, are still saying maybe Kate is dead when Rebecca dies.

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Since Manny was wrapping up Kevin may have thought it was a good time to take an acting break and take care of his mother. Like in real life, it may have been unexpected that that break would be 6 long years


No, but don’t forget, she’s the only one on the west coast now.

I follow Ken Olin on Twitter (director of most episodes) and he has had lots of tweets on winding the series down. Last day of filming was the Big Three, so Kate is in the final episode in some way, shape or form.

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I just can’t imagine they would kill off both Kate and Rebecca. That would be way too much.

Okay - this is probably totally off the rails, but twice they have shown the scene with Kevin saying that he was going to honor Rebecca’s wishes or, “die trying.”

I think he said it in the episode last week and then it was shown again on the, “previously on.” Do they do those? Now I can’t remember So maybe it was in a preview and then I saw the scene. Regardless, that scene has been shown twice. And the first time I heard it I said to dh, “They are going to kill off Kevin.” I know he was in the preview for next week where it is six years later, and they decide it’s time to say goodbyes. Maybe he is in a car wreck on the way to pick up Kate at airport or something.

Y’all probably think I’m nuts, but my prediction is something happens to Kevin.

The thirtysomething hypothesis.

@Hoggirl , I love and respect you girl, but you better be wrong!!! :laughing:


Here is an interview with Hartley. Doesn’t sound like his character is going to die in the next two episodes. But maybe its a head fake.

He also specifically says in the article that he calls Kate.

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I just don’t think they’d kill anyone else off. I think Rebecca dies next week so that we can purge those sad feelings and end the show the next week by seeing where everyone lands, hopefully happily.