This Is Us. Anyone watching?

"He ain’t giggling now. " :))

Thankful for the momentary Mr.Giggles comment ^, need some comic relief

Oh no!

^ Same
(can’t bring myself to “Like”)

It was Mr. McGiggles…How soon they forget.

@jonri, Hahahaha, right after I posted, I was going to go back and correct it, but figured no one would notice. Thank you for the much needed giggle right now… make that a mcgiggle :slight_smile:

@abasket and @saillakeerie called it!

oh snap!!!

Total head fake on the foster thing! They got me.

Love the moment where Randall was talking to his daughter.

Toby is good for Kate.

So much crying…

I had at least 12 different theories so one of them was right?

It looked like Randall (in different glasses) picking up the boy from foster care.

That confused me. Who was the white couple?

Yep I had to go back and screenshot my prediction to show my daughter! Post 706

That was a younger Randall and Beth was the foster /social worker right?

Happy there’s a new episode in less than 48 hours. Love being spun around with that whole foster boy twist and am really glad that tonight’s episode didn’t begin and end with the fire

Don’t forget to unplug your crock pots tonight!

What an episode! Brought to tears multiple times. Yes, total switch on the foster thing. Jess as a professional! And is Deja back?? Or did she just come by for a visit? Also, I thought this was the season finale and am so glad to see that it’s not.

Were you yelling at the TV too? Telling Jack to not go back in for the dog? I guess hindsight is 20/20 but I don’t think I would ever tell my kids (Kate in particular) that it was the smoke inhalation that led to the heart attack.

It was a flash forward. Tess was the social worker and Randall was meeting his grown daughter for their once-a-week dinner at her “fancy office”.

Loved that surprise so much.

That was an older Randall and Tess was the social worker. She says
hi dad

I think Deja might be back for more than a visit. She didn’t seem happy.