This Is Us. Anyone watching?

I must not be as picky as many of you. It’s TV. It’s entertainment and I enjoy it. I don’t pick it apart. I like it all.

I loved the part of the hallucination where the mother was locked in.

@MomofWildChild I also have no trouble suspending my disbelief. I really enjoy this show!

Just watched this week. The mushroom business could have been portrayed another way, but I can get past that.

There were many things I appreciated. And yes, Kevin was in bed with the other woman who came.

Were they trying to tell us that that “mom” had some anxiety or mental fears??? The whole scene with her having some type of attack alone in the cabin living room looked to me like she had fears or anxiety.

I was ok with Randall at the end of the episode giving mom in inch, but not a mile - not yet. I think his reaction was probably more like real life. I will forgive you, but can’t just yet. Most TV WOULD have him forgiving her at the end of the episode. I like that he didn’t and set his own boundaries - they would talk again at Christmas.

The show is still very new. Not every episode is going to be a blockbuster. The show, the writers, the characters, the actors - all still developing.

Kate was on The Talk today. I wish she had been on for the whole hour.

Wow. Well I’m hooked now. It will be hard to wait until January. That was so emotional. Lots of tearing up tonight.

I like Kevin and the playwright!

Much better show tonight. Whew! Loved the granddaughter’s comment about her grandpa.

Holy cow.

And toledo, will you PM me what she said? I didn’t quite catch it, though clearly she was hip to what was going on.

Last week’s episode was a set up/transitional episode to get us to last night’s story, so I’m willing to deal with the fact that every episode won’t be a 10. Last night’s episode was a 10 for me though (as was Thanksgiving). I love so many of these characters now, but Randall is my favorite; maybe because the acting is superb. Sterling K. Brown brings it in every scene. He was amazing in talking the guy down from the suicide attempt and his face was precious when his daughter enlightened him on grandpa’s status. The actress who plays Beth is also wonderful. I, too, loved Kevin and the playwright. This has become my favorite show in the last few episodes.

Last night was much better than last week but the ending!! I can’t decide if it is manipulative or makes sense for the story (trying not to be a spoiler). I loved Randall on the roof, especially and how they all showed up for Christmas Eve, even after saying they wouldn’t. Really enjoying this show.

I think she said something like, “It’s just like that book at school with two daddies. Grampa is gay.”

I was glad the AT&T girl got to do some acting rather than just being bangs and glasses walking around (or, during commercials, selling me wireless phone service). But Kevin . . . he’s not a character yet. He’s a vehicle for one overwritten emotional speech per week. And he seems, ahem, in love with love. (Like the show, perhaps.)

At the moment, it looks like Jess (I can’t remember the Dad’s name in this show, so I think of him in his Gilmore Girls part) has to die when the kids are nine. Why? Because, obviously, the producers didn’t hire anyone to play the kids at any age other than nine. In subsequent seasons, are they going to recast the kids, so we can see significant things that happened when they were six, or thirteen?

Randall’s daughter ends it with “Or bi.” Just so matter of fact.

We did see them as teens, when Randall and Kevin were on opposing school’s football teams.

Even though the episodes have been a bit uneven, I’m still a big fan.

I enjoyed this episode. I liked the Chanukah scene with Sloane’s family, and the interaction with Kevin in the lead up to it. Loved the scene with William and Jesse. Speaking of whom, I’m surprised that no one has mentioned the addition of the wonderful Broadway actor, Denis O’Hare, to the show.

I also liked the scene with Sloane’s family. And I bet the sister is dying that Sloane is dating The Manny.

Glad to see the show got a Golden Globe nominations. I was surprised to see that the actress who plays Kate was the only one nominated for acting. I would have thought Sterling K. Brown (Randall) would have gotten a nod, but at least he was nominated for the O.J. Simpson trial role.

Actually, Mandy Moore was also nominated in the same category. I, too, was surprised that Sterling K Brown wasn’t nominated.

Oops! Thanks for the correction, shellfell. The article I read had a picture of the woman who plays Kate and that’s all that caught my eye. I think both of these women are good, but not in the league of Steling K. Brown or Milo Ventimiglia. Go figure!

Milo Ventimiglia has grown up!

I love Milo in that role and it was also great to see him come back for Gilmore Girls.