This Is Us. Anyone watching?

I think the actress who plays kate is fantastic! The scene in the restaurant where she breaks up with Toby was wonderful. She conveyed so much without even speaking, just showing different facial expressions.

And I think it’s got to be difficult to be hired in part due to your physical appearance and know that that feature is a major plot point in the show. She is able to be vulnerable and strong.

Did I miss this? Did anyone address what happened to Toby at the end? Do you think we see him again - or not?

Sterling K. Brown got two SAG nominations. One was for This Is Us.

The scene at the doctor’s office with her mother was also a good example of this. Her acting ability is far superior to that of Mandy Moore, in my opinion.

@abasket, my guess (and hope) is that Toby will recover. Killing him off, especially on Christmas Eve, would be a mistake at this point in the show.

I thought Toby looked pretty dead!

If they kill off Toby, does that mean that William won’t be dying anytime soon. I can’t imagine them killing off 2 characters.

^^^That’s what I was thinking. Toby definitely flat lined, but he could be revived.

For anyone who missed an episode, USA Network will stream all 10 episodes back to back on Jan. 7th according to my Twitter feed.

I liked this show originally but not enjoying it as much now. Still okay but the whole Toby thing with him now also intruding on Kate again seems just creepy. And Kevin trying to reconnect with ex wife, again, seemed off to me after so many years. It happens but I liked him with the playwright and was looking forward to where that would go.

Same reaction here, @sevmom. Disappointing episode.

I was not disappointed. I always think that the story development in each episode works better for some characters than others. I tolerate the weaker story plots to get the real “meat on the bone” which, for me, was Jack & Rebecca’s wedding/marriage story. I also always love Randall and after seeing how he dealt so well with all the obstacles in his life while growing up, now seeing him struggle at work and with his denial over William’s declining health is huge. Sterling K. Brown is incredible playing Randall each and every week, IMO.

I agree that the show is not as compelling. Acting still great, but I was actually a bit frustrated by Randall’s wife making him go sit at the chess tourney as opposed to attending a very important client dinner. And last week when he took William driving in the middle of the day? Yes, he needs a work/family balance but seems unrealistic. I don’t mind the Kevin story line so far.

Like almost all the This Is Us episodes, I thought this one was somewhat disappointing and somewhat great.

The Randall story line is always good – it has great actors, too – but this week it did somewhat strain credulity. In real life, the spouse of an investment banker who would “call marriage” over a middle-school chess tournament in the face of a serious challenge to a client relationship (not to mention forcing her husband to renege on a commitment he had made at work) would have been an ex-spouse long ago. But in real life, someone in Randall’s position might just recognize that a lot was going on in his life, and he was going to have to dial back work for some period of time, and have confidence in his ability to crush his opponents when he re-engaged fully.

The writers have never quite gotten a consistent bead on who Kevin and Kate are. Sometimes their stories work, but more often they don’t. I wish Kevin’s ex was maybe a little less conventionally gorgeous and symmetrical.

Mandy Moore’s and Milo Ventimiglia’s charisma absolutely carries the Jack-Rebecca story.

Agree that the middle school chess tournament was ridiculous – especially since mom and grandpa could attend.

I like the show for the most part but to me it feels like there are even more commercial interruptions than in other shows. I probably should DVR it and watch the next day or something.

I’m the OP of this thread and while I’ve loved much of the show, I find I’m just not as invested in it recently.

Week after week William has been the most compelling character for me, starting with the early episode with the sequence on the bus as he met Randall’s birth mother and they both sank deeper into addition in subsequent rides.

I was saddened by the very end of last night’s episode when Randall’s hand shook so badly as he set the water down. I hope they aren’t setting him up for Parkinson’s.

Did you see this online? The guy didn’t seem to be quite as shocked as I would have been, but it was still pretty neat!

First of all, Sterling K. Brown is awesome, love the actors and his entire storyline.

Second, the whole Toby and Kate storyline drives me nuts. Such a fairytale unreal storyline. The fat girl finds a boy, treats him badly over and over again but he keeps coming back. She doesn’t treat him nicely (and he is not that likable of a character) pushes him away but he still bends over backwards for her. I keep asking why would he keep trying because what is it about her that is so likable. He travels to New York has a heart attack, with surgery and she just ups and leaves because she needs to take care of her.

Kevin is equally self absorbed but he’s an actor and incredibly attractive. Seems a bit more believable to me.

I do like the show and it’s better and different than much on tv.

Also agree that the chess storyline was not real. The wife knew what she was getting into and knew he works long hard hours. I mean come on!

Yes, Kevin is very easy on the eyes. :slight_smile:

Kevin was on Young and the Restless. They killed his character, Adam Newman off a few months ago.

The This Is Us FB page has a six-minute interview with Kate and Kevin actors and Ken Olin. I think they did a great job of talking about how the characters are both so vulnerable and how that comes out in various ways and screws things up, that Kevin, especially, has moments of real insight but that he can’t sustain it.