This Is Us. Anyone watching?

I recall some minor storyline about Jack riding a motorcycle. When I saw that, and knew he died young, I wondered if it was foreshadowing. Pure speculation. Definitely do not know what’s ahead.

Ok, now I know that I need to rewatch the entire season after the end…

@redpoodles Do you mean Milo Ventimiglia?

With all the time shifting in the show, it may be that characters remain alive in past for a long time, kind of Faulknerian,: “The past is never dead. It’s not even past.” I’m hoping for more Jack and William in the next season.

I think the funeral scene showed the Big Three as teens, although we only saw pieces of them.

I watch the show for Jack. And the kids younger, and Rebecca. Every time you hear Miguel mentioned it’s obvious Kevin at least isn’t even trying to be nice. I still think it’s very clever showing both timelines…even if I’m starting to dislike Kate now, or Kevin is too needy or I get mad at Randall’s wife for having him go to a chess tournament and lose clients.

No, @alwaysamom, I mean Ken Olin, the director who used to star on the show 30 Something. He’s in all of the extra clips.

He now looks like this, which is fine, but it made my head spin in comparison to his 30-something mega handsome John Hamm groomed previous self:

I am glad he is on this show though! He’s doing a great job.

Wait. What is this after show episode stuff? Is this something there is more than one of? That was very interesting to watch!

Milo is SOO attractive!
I think while Ken Olin looks different I appreciate his look. :slight_smile:

And Toby in real life - he doesn’t look large sitting at that table - does he wear a belly bump during filming???

I was watching Rocky Balboa (2006), and Rockys grown son appears. It took me a minute to place him, it was Jack!

I just saw an article showing a thin Toby. He wears a fake stomach and stuff to make his face fatter.

@abasket yes, there are aftershows for every episode. I watch on Hulu and they are all there.

Also, you might like to see Milo in Gilmore Girls-- he played Jess, Rory’s brooding bad boy boyfriend/Luke’s nephew.

I see the after show OnDemand from my cable provider

Well, I’ll have to look for those! I really did like hearing from them in the one highlighted above.

Yes, I’ve seen Milo in GG - only because my D2 watched the whole series this summer when she was home- however i was shocked when I realized it was the same person!

I think they did. In an early episode. Jack had given Rebecca a necklace. They focused on Rebecca wearing that necklace, and then segued to the present, to show that she had married Miguel. I don’t think she would have kept and worn a necklace from Jack if they had split up.

Ah, okay. I haven’t watched the extra clips.

I enjoy this show, some parts more than others, but I find Mandy Moore so annoying. Her acting just isn’t up to par with the rest of the cast.

Well, Ken Olin is 30 years older than in his thirtysomething days, and I think he looks better now than when he was on Brothers and Sisters nearly a decade ago.

I guess I must be the only female on the planet who doesn’t find Milo (at least as Jack) all that good looking. Not into his greasy hair or the beard. I thought he was OK looking Gilmore Girls, but nothing special.

I thought Milo was ugly when I first saw him (as Jess) but some people–usually those not “classically” beautiful-- get better looking the more you look at them. He has such an interesting face. When he looks at someone he looks like he’s really looking at them. It’s hard to look away once you see that. I think he’s gorgeous now.

Here he is at all different ages and variations of grease and scruff:

Barbalot- I also don’t find Milo attractive. He’s a good actor, though.

Someone up thread seemed to say Dad dies when kids are 9. The recent flashback of them at the funeral looks to have them 14-15 to my eye. Definitely not 9.

The kids have to be at least as old or older than the HS football game where Kevin and Randall get into a fight. Jack was there.

Was making coffee for my boyfriend the other morning when I mentioned “you know, I was watching this show where they said that when you stop caring to make coffee for your partner, and stop noticing what the other person is doing for you, that’s a sign the relationship is headed towards the end.”

Him: “Huh, what? Sorry, wasn’t listening to a word you were saying.”

What’s that a sign of???

Anyway, I’m way more invested in Jack and Rebecca than the other couples. I have this weird feeling that he’s going to die while she’s away on tour. That might explain some of the coldness that the kids seem to have towards her - that she left, and then that happened. Also, how is that creepy guy at the horse camp not fired? What the heck.