This Is Us. Anyone watching?

Another one in the disappointed camp. The writers need to step it up.

Wow, I had to quick watch it when I saw the comments building up here today. Just watched.

I continue to adore the show! Iā€™ll agree that Randallā€™s story is the strongest. But I enjoy all of them. Jack IS a superhero husband and dad.

Iā€™m not worried about how totally feasible every situation is. As we have seen all though the season, there are parts/surprises we donā€™t necessarily get revealed all at once. Who knows what happens down the road.

I will greatly miss William when he goes. He must go - canā€™t imagine that he will survive till next season. (but I donā€™t know anything!) The actor plays the role so, so well. I too hope that Randall is just having emotion overload - I donā€™t know if I can handle my favorite character (as well as Jack) having a major health issue. I just love, love, love Randall and his wife.

I personally donā€™t need anything different about the show. I think the Kevin story about his childhood true love is touching. Will it succeed? Donā€™t know. But I enjoy every single minute - a great hour (or DVRā€™d, 45 minutes) of entertainment. I donā€™t need everything to be ā€œexact or realistic to real lifeā€.

Abasket- I completely agree. You captured my thoughts. I just watched it tonight.

I will continue to watch. The acting is great and Iā€™ll be curious to see how all the story lines play out.

Thinking about having my husband watch just to study Jack ;))

Iā€™m with @abasket. I really donā€™t expect more from the show. I will say, I will be highly disappointed if Kate ended up in room 13. Yuck. And, after Toby gave her the ring, I couldnā€™t believe she just didnā€™t say anything as he left. So, I suppose I am growing rather disenchanted with Kate.

^^^I can agree with that @collage1 . Not sure what point this camp guy is suppose to make, but we shall see. I probably feel less attached to Kateā€™s story.

I feel like the current theme or segway is death of a loved one. William. Jack eventually. :frowning: Iā€™m guessing that we will not find out about Jack and his story until next season.

I think itā€™s more the death of love. What kept Jack and Rebecca together (and, by the way, did they stay together)? What is keeping Randall and his wife together? What pries Kate and Toby apart? Why is Kevin unable to sustain a relationship?

I was literally scolding Kate. ā€œDo not go in that cabin!ā€ If she does/did indeed cheat on Toby, I think it speaks to her continued self-sabotage. She doesnā€™t think she truly deserves happiness. While I donā€™t approve of all of Kateā€™s behavior, I still find her compelling because she is complex and human. Toby seems too good to be true, regardless of the weight issue.

Like many of you, Randall and his family are what keep me coming back week after week.

Kevin reminds me SO much of my younger brother; even his mannerisms and speech patterns are similar. I find him endearing in a goofy golden-retriever kind of way (just like my brother).

My DH, who watches the show with me (very Jack-like in his own way), thinks Jackā€™s and Williamā€™s deaths will be the focus of the season finale.

Is it correct that there is only one more episode this season???

I donā€™t know how many episodes we have left, but Iā€™m pretty sure next Tuesday isnā€™t the last one of the season as my DVR usually says Season Finale in the short description. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen that in my menu for the upcoming programming.

Just found this - I had read something about it being pushed back but this clears the date up:
This Is Us Finale Delayed (By Trump) This Is Usā€™ Season 1 finale, which was originally set to air on Tuesday, March 7, has been pushed back a week, to Tuesday, March 14, NBC announced on Wednesday.

Is anyone else dying to give Ken Olin a haircut and beard trim? And iron his shirt?

I donā€™t think the show will be the same without Jack. He grounds everybody and theyā€™d spin out without him. I think heā€™ll be around next season, even if we do find out what happened to him.

Also, none of the adult kids seems to have enough attachment to Rebecca. It isnā€™t all about Miguel. I think she had something to do with whatever happened to Jack.

I think Jackā€™s death occurs sometime soon after the time period in this weekā€™s episode. Maybe while Rebeccaā€™s on tour?

I personally donā€™t want to speculate too much on what happens. Please donā€™t post any spoilers if youā€™re privy to know!

Oh, I think Milo will be back - I think they will ā€œalwaysā€ flash back to the past.

@abasket you donā€™t want to speculate but then you speculated!

Rest assured, Iā€™m not privy to anything that may happen in future episodes.

Sorry, I guess what I was referring to is ā€œspoilersā€ that may be out there!!! Our own personal speculation ā€œjust becauseā€ I can handle. :slight_smile:

In one of the early episodes, maybe the 2nd or the 3rd, we saw a period where Jack was drinking too much. He was having tension with Rebecca over it, and at one point Miguel warned Jack that he had married above himself and was risking his marriage with his drinking. That was well before we learned that Rebecca and Miguel were married.

I am pretty certain that no episode since has shown Jack at a later point in his life. I have been assuming that someday we are going to find out more about that, and that there will have been some significant split between Jack and Rebecca. It also may or may not have something to do with Jackā€™s death, and they may or may not have reconciled before Jack died. No spoilers here ā€“ the show could go just about any direction with this. Iā€™m just sure that the story is going to return to Jackā€™s drinking someday, and that things arenā€™t going to stay 100% romantic and cuddly for Jack and Rebecca.

And I agree: something drove a wedge between the kids and Rebecca, and it wasnā€™t just that she married Miguel at some appropriate time after Jack had died.