<p>1) People there are lame
2) It's way too big for such a cold environment
3) It seems like there's a lot of work; I don't want to have to do a lot of work
4) They only play frisbee there
5) They sing songs about studying (I mean, come on)
6) It's just worse than Macalester</p>
<p>I hope I've now convinced you all to choose Macalester over Carleton. Macalester rocks.</p>
<p>-Mac class of '09</p>
<p>Is this for the Princeton board? :p</p>
<p>Haha, y'know...it took me a while to get that he was talking about the college and not Carlton Banks. 'cause Carlton is my hero, and no dissage will be tolerated :cool:</p>
<p>lol phil! that's quite funny! hadn't thought of carleton banks :p</p>
<p>Oh Minnesota. How I love thee. Oh wait, no I don't.</p>
<p>I vote Macalester over Carleton just on principle. Also Carleton smells bad cause of that cereal factory.</p>