<p>Haha, yeah. Pchem was a lot better for me than organic and it’s been one of my favorite classes so far. I expected it to be a lot harder than it was, especially since my own doctor told me she switched her major from chemistry to biology because of pchem! But yeah, I’m just doing a chemistry BS with a math minor. I started out in chemical engineering and hated it, but that ate up too much time for me to have been able to do a double major. Wish I could go back and get a double major with statistics.</p>
<p>Again, you don’t want to take the orgo. class I had lol. I loved it, but I realized that by most schools’ standards and even standards w/in it, it’s absolutely brutal (At most places, the questions would not be asked to undergraduates and definitely wouldn’t be asked to freshmen), and of course some didn’t like it (Imagine the reaction of a pre-med freshmen who earned a 5 on AP chem w/an illusion of invincibility and awesomeness getting a B-/B or lower. It’s quite funny lol). Seriously, check this out: <a href=“https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B456FmeCw42BMTVjYzBjODctYTM1Ny00ZDM2LWJhNmQtNmFiMGNlNTYyN2Y1&authkey=CKbs980C&hl=en_US[/url]”>https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B456FmeCw42BMTVjYzBjODctYTM1Ny00ZDM2LWJhNmQtNmFiMGNlNTYyN2Y1&authkey=CKbs980C&hl=en_US</a></p>
<p>The only thing worse is the final. The final makes it look pleasant.</p>
<p>However, it was for intense science students, so most did okay. Pchem used to be horrible here and then someone else started teaching it last year so it got easier. Exam averages in prior years were in teens-40s (this is why people hated it) and all of the sudden, they are in the 60s-high 70s. And I know for a fact that last year’s class is not that much more more qualified than those before (they are about the same). Saw the exams from both and last year’s was a world of difference. Hopefully I get to enjoy the lesser evils of a more relax Pchem and only be pummeled by organometallic and cell bio lol.</p>
<p>Yeah, exam averages are usually in the 40s-60s here for organic, though it’s usually not taken during freshman year here. I got a 3 on AP chem, but maybe I would have done better if I had taken it as a senior instead of a junior. Averages were consistently in the 60s here. Inorganic was kind of painful when the highest grade in the class on one test was a 67.
Good luck with your classes. :)</p>
<p>Same to you…good times in STEM courses lol.</p>