Those who know engineering, CC classes?

<p>I want to go into ChemE and am currently a high school student. I will hopefully opt out of Physics 1 & 2, Calc 1 & 2, Chem 1 & 2, Econ, Psych, Gov, Eng, Stats from AP testing. Is this a good idea? Should I know what I need to for future engineering classes?</p>

<p>As for the CC part of my question. If I do get out of these classes, I want to take Calc 3 and Diffe-Q's at a local CC during the summer. Would this be a good idea? Then I wouldn't have to spend the money taking these classes at whatever college I choose. Would you recommend this or go against it?</p>

<p>Thank you for responses.</p>

<p>Make sure your university/degree plan will accept the credit.</p>

<p>Next, if you are taking the classes to save money that is great but if you are taking it just to get ahead, why the rush?? </p>

<p>Calculus 3/ODEs are pretty rough courses for a freshman so make sure you can devote suitable time to it. Also hopefully you’ll take it after your Calculus BC AP exam so the calculus portion will be fresh on your mind.</p>

<p>It might be kind of hard to persuade whatever CC you’re going to to let you take Calc 3 and ODE if your AP scores are still pending. Afterall, it would be kind of weird if you took Calc 3 and ODE, got good grades in them, then get your BC calc test back and find that you got a two. I guess you’d have to take Calc 2 after Calc 3 and ODEs lol.</p>

<p>The school I want to go to will take any credits that they have a comparable class for.</p>

<p>I’m basically wanting to take the class to save money. </p>

<p>I think that I will be fine when it comes to the AP test. Math is one of my strongest subjects and I am getting an A+ in my class right now with the highest grade. Also, my cousin is a math teacher at my local CC and he almost got me into tutoring as a junior in high school for math at the CC. I think he can help me out with getting into Calc 3. It would be funny though if I had to take Calc 2 after already doing 3 and ODEs. I doubt that will happen.</p>

<p>So basically I just want to save money in the end. Thanks for the responses thus far.</p>