<p>I am an alum interviewer because I get to meet a lot of interesting young people. In general, I like the students whom I interview, and think highly of them whether or not they get into college or appear to be good fits for Harvard.</p>
<p>Last night, I was reminded about this when I went to my meditation class and got a substitute teacher, who ended up being a student whom I interviewed last school year and whom Harvard rejected. She ended up going to our local state university, one not in the top 50.</p>
<p>She greeted me with a hug, and gave me (the only student who came that cold night) a wonderful class. Afterward, we talked for a long time about Eastern religions, one of my new interests, and a longstanding interest of hers. (For those of you who think that you should hang your heads and cross the street if you spot an alum interviewer after not getting into Harvard, note that the truth is very different! )</p>
<p>For those of you who somehow think that her being rejected by Harvard andand some other top colleges ruined her life, quite the contrary. The reason is something that she never would have imagined when she got the thin envelope.</p>
<p>Because she was forced to stay in her hometown town for college, she got to see regularly see her mother after college started. That ended up being a comfort as her mother unexpected died a few weeks ago.</p>
<p>One never knows what life may hold. While a Harvard acceptance may be something that you treasure, a deferral or rejection also may do the same. Sometimes way opens as doors open. Sometimes way opens as doors close.</p>