Thoughts on Elon Musk buying a stake in Twitter?


Iā€™ve seen it many many times on Twitter where people post a screenshot of the notification they get when he blocks them. I donā€™t take screenshots of those, so I cannot provide an example. If youā€™re on Twitter enough, you see these pretty often when his name comes up.

Anyone on Twitter can block anyone. I will often block accounts that are clearly bots. I blocked one poster who used abusive language towards me. The ability to block is an important one under those circumstances.

Exception to blocking rule:
Courts have ruled that elected leaders should not be able to block their constituents. One account sued Margorie Taylor Green for blocking them and they won in court. She had to reinstate them and pay a $10,000 penalty, which they then donated to a charity.


yeah, AWS is an awesome system. That said, there is no love lost between Bezos and Musk. Elon might shift over to Microsoft servers if he and Gates get along? (or is Oracle still in this game?)

Yes, a move to MSFT is a good guess. Bezos is going to be under some pressure. New is, sales are way down at AMZN and hiring isnā€™t growing.

Iā€™d love to see some of those dollars shift away from Bezos and co. back into small local businesses post Covid. Musk likes to tweak everyone whom he feels needs it esp Bezos and some others. It makes Musk both annoying and fun to watch. LOL.

Elon and BG are not exactly best buds. Especially after the recent Elonā€™s Twitter mocking of BG. But BG is no longer MSFT.

(This is the thing I was referring to.


Blocking is exactly what should be used. Heā€™s not deplatforming or banning those posters, heā€™s simply blocking them from his feed. Everyone else is still free to read those tweets.


So blocks not bans. Got it.

Ignoring comments or opinions you disagree with (or even worse), while allowing them to be spoken seems like the very essence of free speech. Banning doesnā€™t.


Yep, 1000%. You donā€™t like it, you block it. But you donā€™t stop the person from having their say. I donā€™t watch a lot of stuff thatā€™s violent, but I also donā€™t stop others from watching it.


Looking forward to see what he will do with Twitter. Itā€™s always fun to watch his moves. Saying that, I would not want my kids working for one of his or Bezos companies.


I am hearing rumblings that Musk might back out of the deal.

Hmmmmā€¦are there any news articles about this?


Ahh, Bezos owned so Iā€™d take that news with a grain of salt. If either Musk/Twitter backs out of the deal thereā€™s a 1 billion dollar penalty. Thatā€™s a lot.

I donā€™t block anyone just because I donā€™t like what they have to say or I disagree with them. Why would I do that? If they are engaging in racist, profane, or violent rhetoric, sure, but not if they just happened to have a differing opinion or they dispute a post of mine. In any case, I donā€™t own Twitter. Neither did Musk all of these years that he exercised his right to block people.

But once he does own it, the question arises that if he is so quick to block opinions he doesnā€™t like, is this going to extend to how he handles Twitter? Will people be banned for speech he disagrees with?


Should have clarified. Iā€™m not on any of those social media accounts. If I had a choice to block or censor, Iā€™d go with blocking. But honestly, I agree with you, why even bother to block someone/something just skip over it. I think people who have a lot of followers can get trolled by many people saying some crazy stuff so they likely need to block. IF you have just a few followers its probably a different story.

A few years ago during a rough time for the country, there were tons of angry posts that I came across on FB. I ended up deleting the account. Couldnā€™t stand that people I liked had such an ugly side. Honestly, I liked the people who avoided certain topics and kept to their kids, family and travel photos.

I agree completely with regard to FB. I have friends and relatives that post nothing but angry political stuff and I miss the days of seeing cute pics of peoplesā€™ kids or tasty recipes, jokes, etc. I only keep my page to see my Dad and what he is up to. His lady friend keeps us all apprised of their activities together and I love seeing her posts. Someday when he is gone, Iā€™ll probably delete my account.

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Same. I just block posts of friends that post political stuff often. I just want to see family photos not politics posts

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If it is a lock then why is the stock $5 off the purchase price?

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Well, actually Iā€™ve been watching it closely since I bought it. It hasnā€™t gone up to the $54.20 Musk has offered. It only gotten within about $5. Itā€™s unlikely that it would. Thereā€™s no real upside at this point so why buy? You canā€™t make more than a few bucks a share and there is always a risk it goes down or deal falls through. So the $5 differential is the risk factor the market has priced in. If he wasnā€™t taking it private, I think it would be through the roof. I certainly would have bought a lot more. But small upsides arenā€™t that interesting esp on a deal this size. Guess weā€™ll see.
I was hoping to cash out before Oct 1 ( which I think is the date itā€™s supposed to go through).

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