Thoughts on Elon Musk buying a stake in Twitter?

Please actually read the case. It was based on religious discourse which is protected…

You seem to be conflating constitutional law and employment law. For employment law Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is applicable. The [First Amendment]( amendment protections do not apply in the private employment setting.

Are you an attorney?


Never gave it a thought until stumbling upon this thread then looking up Musk’s Wikipediae bio: Another rich kid with a business degree who thinks he’s g*d’s gift to mankind.


Another rich kid with a business degree who Has founded some of the most innovative and technologically advanced companies in the world.

Too bad he does not lean left ideologically - he’d be adored then.


I think he has a undergraduate degree in Physics and Economics, not business degree.

I suspect all of these guys’ politics are secretly to the right of Atilla the Hun. I respect the ones who at least keep it secret.

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Yes, but from Wharton.

People with massive private unearned wealth from exploitative businesses (note I’m referring to gemstone mining in South Africa here) are rarely left wing. Kinda comes with the territory.


“Leaning right” with a platform of low tax rates, pro-life, limited government, being a fiscal hawk, etc., is one thing, but promoting conspiracy theories on your new media purchase, denying election results, inserting oneself into geopolitics with zero experience, etc. is an entirely different baliwick.


Interestingly I heard about his brother Kimbal when I was working in landscape architecture before I really knew about Elon…his brother actually founded an organization (Big Green) that built many outdoor classrooms called “Learning Gardens” in schools across the US. He also was involved in Square Roots an urban farming company growing food in hydroponic, indoor, climate controlled shipping containers, many vertically for space reduction - he seems to be a decent guy who cares about others.

A significant increase in racist venom, anti-Semitism, and misogyny is “more fun”?


Clearly for some - :disappointed:


Twitter has always sort of been a ridiculous dumpster fire of an application anyway, so this doesn’t really change much in my opinion.

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I reported a tweet that made open use of the n-word numerous times. I received a response from Twitter that the tweet did not violate their TOS.

That has never happened in my experience. Something has clearly changed.


Yeah, it’s just MORE of a dumpster fire now. The example you mentioned is pretty bad.

But it’s still a ridiculous app that amounts to people shouting random stuff on the street corner for all to hear.


I have to disagree. It can be that of course. Depends who you follow and for what purpose.

I post and follow for professional purposes in the areas of non profit, education, literacy and pediatric health care. I learn so much about current health/Ed trends, research, learning opportunities, etc. I reach the same audience to share our orgs events, model, trends, etc.

For us Twitter is a totally different audience than FB - in a very good way. (Or has been!)

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But how does that really work (this is slightly off-topic?) I have an account that I rarely use because - I don’t care how famous they are - no one individual has my complete and undivided attention for very long. How many accounts do you actually wind up following in order to stay abreast of things professionally?

Zero. :smiley:

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Won’t continue to get us off topic but I run accounts for my org - so have and follow several hundred.

The main point being, it’s more than saying “that’s ok, I’ll get my celeb or current events news somewhere else” - there is actually daily professional sharing/learning going on.

Back to the topic! :blush:


I don’t spend a ton of time on there. Just a quick scroll for news/info. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a celebrity tweet. I mostly see who I have followed.

I mean everyone has their own Twitter. I am almost entirely involved in Writer Twitter. I learn a lot and have great discussions there. I also dip my foot in current issues, (and my favorite baseball team Twitter), but the bulk of my 4000 or so followers are writers.

But still not sure about sticking around. It’s hard to avoid the cesspool.