Thoughts on Elon Musk buying a stake in Twitter?

“Citing unidentified people familiar with the matter, The Information reported that Elon Musk terminated four top Twitter executives, including Agrawal and Segal “for cause,” in an apparent effort to avoid severance pay and unvested stock awards.

In a tweet on Saturday LightShed analyst Rich Greenfield said Musk fired top Twitter execs “for cause,” preventing their unvested stock from vesting as part of a change of control.”


Yeah, good luck with that in CA courts.


I guess it took Musk what, 4 seconds, to turn Twitter into a cesspool.

Frankly, every time I see Elon Musk, all I can think of is “villain from James Bond movie”.


From the Twitter account of LeBron James:


Hooray free speech I guess. There’s the racism, now bring on the conspiracy theories. What could possibly go wrong?

The only thing shocking to me, honestly, is that anyone would’ve helped to fund Musk’s buyout of Twitter as an actual business decision (as opposed to political statement) once he started talking about “unfettered free speech”.


I watched Quantum Of Solace with one of my daughters last week and I kept saying to her the villain looked like ElonMusk. We laughed every time he spoke evil.


I figured he’d allow all that garbage, but didn’t expect him to be tweeting it himself, so quickly. I guess I should have.


Oh yes, we all should have. He was just biding his time, and when it came the trash just spewed out.


He’s been into conspiracy theories for a while. It’s maybe a tiny bit surprising that he’d support one that excuses a violent act, but I guess it shouldn’t be after all the stuff he made up about that Thai diver.

Kinda weird given he has two companies that deal in ineluctable facts (EV cars and space travel). Maybe he’ll come up with one about a conspiracy sabotaging his space company from developing faster than light travel.


Sell Tesla. :rofl:


Twitter on autopilot? :rofl: Considering how well that function performed for Tesla, I wish them all well.


Be interesting to see what the shareholders of the public company (TSLA) think that an Insider just took 50 of their top employees, working on mission critical stuff, to support the Insider’s private business. Even if Twitter is reimbursing their full salaries and benefits, that still leaves a hole in TSLA’s mission critical work.


So maybe this is his way of silently shutting down the Autopilot unit at Tesla until the legal storm subsides.

Tesla is facing serious scrutiny around the technology built and maintained by its Autopilot team, namely its driver-assistance systems, which are marketed as Autopilot, FSD and FSD Beta.
The Securities and Exchange Commission, the Department of Justice, and the California Department of Motor Vehicles are all investigating whether Tesla or Musk violated laws and misled consumers about Tesla’s driver assistance systems, which are still in development and do not make the company’s cars self-driving.
Meanwhile, the federal vehicle safety authority, NHTSA, continues to investigate whether Tesla driver assistance systems may have contained defects that contributed to or caused collisions. The way that Tesla marketed these systems on social media, including Twitter, is part of the scope of at least one NHTSA investigation.


He fired them for cause. Political POV discrimination is a violation of federal law, and he has terabytes of evidence to support it. It just depends on whether it’s more costly to fight it or to settle it.

Love or hate the deal…Twitter is a heck of a lot more fun now!

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This isn’t true.


Rosenberger v. Rectors

This decision was centered on religious beliefs and discrimination. Political beliefs don’t fall into a protected class….

That doesn’t mean that the employment contracts in question don’t define “cause” in a manner that is applicable but as a rule an employer can manage staff based upon political views.

Taken to an extreme under current precedent the Jewish Defense Fund could fire with cause an employee expressing anti Semitic views. To your point the firing manager couldn’t unless otherwise having been detailed in an employment contract be fired with cause for the decision to remove the aforementioned employee.


Viewpoint Discrimination | The First Amendment Encyclopedia.

before we continue down that rabbit hole, do you have any reason (evidence?) to believe that Politicial pov was teh reason for the firing, as opposed to just incompetence? For example, the CEO approved a pay package for the GC that was hundreds of times above market. That’s a good cause, if I’m a juror.