Thoughts on Elon Musk buying a stake in Twitter?

Of course, and some of those bad actors could have been current employees.

Regardless, the broader point is that any hate speech that occurred when the deal closed was facilitated by the then existing Twitter moderation rules.

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That may be the point you find most pertinent, but others view the more pertinent point the fact that there were an influx of scumbags, racists, misogynists, bigots, pornographers, etc. and they now view twitter as the place to present their “ideas,” harass people, etc. And the new leader doesn’t seem to have a clue as to how to deal with it. Or if he does have an idea, he’ll probably have a different idea tomorrow. That’s why advertisers have been jumping ship. Not the wokeness, but the lack of an effective plan to deal with the inevitable abuse of the platform. It is not wokeness for a reputable company to want to stay away from advertising next to Nazis. It is a sound business decision.


Perhaps true, and if so, many/most of current 14 million US users and advertisers will continue to flee. And Elon’s new toy evolves into another alternative site such as Gab. So what?

I’d be more convinced that you and others don’t care about the future of twitter if they weren’t constantly talking about it.

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I can completely understand the joy of doing meaningful work as opposed to “fluff”.

After writing that tweet, the author subsequently overdosed from caffeine poisoning.

I’m kidding, but people have had their heart stop from drinking that many Red Bulls, which have 80mg of caffeine per can.

Sounds like a butt kisser to me. :grinning:


No kidding about caffeine. No amount of money will undo the damage done by that unhealthy lifestyle.


He likes to think of it as being a “backend” kisser.


It was probably Elon impersonating Matt Wensing :grinning:


As stated up thread by others, there is probably a great opportunity for talented individuals to shine at Twitter right now and to do relevant work. I’m sure many routine maintenance tasks are ho hum. This revamp certainly offers opportunity to be noticed. Nothing wrong with tooting your horn if you’re doing good work.

Especially since the boss seems to fire people by twitter, he’ll probably also promote people by twitter as well. Just good marketing.

I have no doubt that the “hard core” atmosphere EM (I think it’s funny how CC hyperlinks Elon to the university) tried to sell will definitely appeal to some developers. When I was in my mid-20’s, I loved the all night coding sessions. He’ll also attract ideologically motivated developers. And he’s also losing talented hard working developers… I wish I could re-find the tweet by a developer who explained why he was leaving, but basically he said that at the time EM made his demand, there wasn’t a vision laid out of what he’s trying to accomplish, so it was sort of a loyalty test. And if you’ve got a family and obligations, committing to a company with a boss who is known to fire people capriciously at times without knowing what they’re building is just not tenable. He went on to say he hopes it all works out for everyone, but given 3 months severance compared to uncertainty, then he’ll take the 3 months severance.

So, essentially until EM provides an actual vision for what he’s building, he’ll only attract people who either love the uncertainty, or believe in EM the person. That’s a limited pool for the time being. If he hits on a vision that people buy off on, then he’ll attract more people.

But the vision thing is important, b/c it isn’t apparent what it is right now other than personality driven. It isn’t even about free speech - he said he won’t let Alex Jones back on b/c he personally finds Alex Jones repulsive. I mean, I agree with him on that, but it undermines his free speech absolutism and will not assuage the fears of advertisers on brand protection, and then it becomes again, what are the developers doing this for?

He has a lot of money though, and if he’s willing to keep spending it, he’ll hit on something that works.


Any positive or interesting news must be from a caffeine overdosed a** kisser. Got it.


So there’s a cool learning opportunity here with that screenshotted tweet. “Huh; here’s a new, and different, perspective on the whole Twitter situation. They’re making some claims about the experience working there. Are these claims credible?”

First thing: is this a legit tweet? As in, did someone actually tweet this, or has it been manipulated? The individual’s username is in the tweet, so we can go check. It’s not there. (Plot twist! When this first got posted last night I went through this exercise and it WAS there.) Okay, so people can delete tweets. What other fact checking can we do on this person to see if what they’re saying represents reality?

Well … their bio says they’re founding a startup … nothing about Twitter. “Okay, odd, but sometimes people moonlight while working at a dayjob and want to promote their side hustle?” Let’s check LinkedIn and see if we can find someone with this name.

Over on LinkedIn, sure enough, we see that there’s someone with this name (in fact, there’s only one person with this name), who’s the founder of the same startup mentioned in the bio of the person over at Twitter. Okay, that seems like a good connection. But, again, maybe the moonlighting thing? Let’s look down at their work experience, to see if we can find Twitter on there? Hmm. Nope.

But maybe they just don’t want to highlight their experience at Twitter? That doesn’t smell right, either, as they’re being pretty vocal on Twitter (at least, in that one tweet) about their positive experience at Twitter under Musk.

The plain truth is we have no evidence to support the idea that this person works for Twitter, and it seems like they probably don’t.

So. As it happens, there was a joke thread a few days ago that was people tweeting “I just quit Twitter, and {ridiculous scenario}”. This person was riffing off of that. But because it struck a chord with people, it took off.

We won’t always know the context of these sorts of social media posts — not everyone should be expected to know the latest memes to be able to discern the veracity of tweets — but there ARE things we can do to dig in on these sorts of things, to make sure we aren’t being taken in.


And the chaser …


A public tweet thanking Elon Musk after firing 90% of the company from an obvious hyperbolic individual is news now? :grinning:

The 8 cans of Red Bull is BS. I see a 264 lb male in the gym everyday on 1 can Red Bull. 8? :roll_eyes:

And it’s an obvious ploy to gain followers.


No way can there be anyone there working long hours and enjoying it! No way I tell you! All of the virtuous people left or were fired. Everyone knows this! No one would ever want to work for EM.


News? :laughing: Positive or interesting - debatable. But definitely not news.

Stockholm Syndrome. :joy:


I will all be OK soon and people will get back to tweeting as normal. …….

I work with a guy, 160lbs soaking wet. For years he did cigarette after cigarette all day long and drank AT LEAST 5-6 energy drinks a day. Didn’t eat much, lived in caffeine and nicotine.

He quit cold turkey about 3 months ago. He looks much healthier.