Thoughts on Elon Musk buying a stake in Twitter?

Yes, someone may have an underlying condition (chronic fatigue, etc.) that may allow them to drink multiple energy drinks (have seen it a few times).

Great example of how most stuff posted on Twitter is garbage and useless. :laughing:


As most is on just about all media platforms. Except for CC 



Somehow seems appropriate for this thread (pace Sheryl Crow):

“I’ve been swimming in a sea of anarchy
I’ve been living on coffee and nicotine
I’ve been wondering if all the things I’ve seen
Were ever real, were ever really happening”

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“The drink will flow and blood will spill And if the boys wanna fight, you better let 'em”

Thin Lizzy

I don’t want to get into a debate over safe levels of caffeine, but “energy drinks” could be a Red Bull, Monster or 1,000 other various “energy drinks.”

Also, we would have to define the absorption period between Matt Wensing and your work buddy. Matt Wensing’s suck-up tweet made it seem to me that “last night” is a short time window. But maybe he worked from 8PM-8AM.

Alas, I think Matt Wensing was being hyperbolic to butt-kiss EM.


The original tweet was a joke tweet by Matt Wensing - he doesn’t even work at Twitter.

There are going to be people who will want to work there. But it’s pretty normal to not want to work under those conditions with no clear vision or direction.


Yeap, I checked last night, he doesn’t work at Twitter, this is from his LinkedIn profile.

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Is his account marked as a parody account? :rofl:

The 8 Red Bulls seemed like a dead giveaway to me.


And yet it was labeled “news” by some.


I’m not a member of Twitter, nor did I want to spend the time to vet his background. Thank you to @DadBodThor and @DrGoogle123 for checking it out for me/us.

I’m not a CS major, but looking back at the tweet, tweeting that he didn’t have this much fun since CS301 seems to be another clue. :slightly_smiling_face:


i do find things like this discussion to be interesting
 it’s almost like a Rorschach test in a way. It’s fascinating to see how people divide up based on perceived alignment of cultural sides
 I feel it happening to myself, and it’s pretty interesting.

I try to combat it by following processes on how I arrive at a particular conclusion (I consider myself a process conservative - while a social liberal and a fiscal moderate). But a lot of this raises some interesting dilemmas on the nature of the information we receive, how we determine it’s true, and what weight to place on bits and pieces of knowledge and why
 I don’t think there’s an easy answer, but it’s a problem that needs solving. If someone can come up with an app that helps solve that dilemma -they’d be doing humanity a great service.


It really doesn’t matter, no need to debate such things.

It was monster energy drinks for the record. I personally saw him drink 4 straight in about 20 minutes one morning just to prove he could.

My point is, some people can actually do these things. Personally, I’ve only ever had one and it sent my heart into overdrive. Of course I’m also the person that rarely has caffeine as opposed to those that can’t function without it or drink caffeinated beverages all day.

I’d say it is certainly not a “healthy” thing if someone is consuming that much.

I always drank massive amounts of coffee back in my hardcore coding days. Others preferred Mountain Dew - caffeine and sugar. Still others went for Jolt Cola - lots of caffeine there.

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I’ll believe when I see it. But I’ll leave you with this:

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Let’s get back on topic, please

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Just in case anyone is looking for a job, Twitter is now hiring:

I had a patient yesterday who apologized for being distracted during our session, saying “I work at Twitter
more layoffs today
not sure if I’ll have access by the time I get home.”

His take on Musk is that he’s both insane and has a vision that will take a while to execute. While he hasn’t resigned (and is not on a visa) he also is quite stressed. He feels like employees were hoping that he’d pull out before the purchase went through and be willing to pay a huge fine to do so, but that the shareholders might have freaked out that any fine wasn’t high enough.

It was interesting to hear thoughts from the inside.

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Here’s a very different take. I have never heard of Byline Times so I can’t vouch for anything, but he is trying to answer the question of why Musk overpaid for Twitter when he reasonably could have known that he could not make a good return at that price. A bit heavy on political conspiracy, but the question is interesting: ‘Musk’s Twitter Buy Makes No Sense – Unless It’s Part of Something Bigger’ – Byline Times