Thoughts on Elon Musk buying a stake in Twitter?

I’m sure Austin has building codes, too.

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Maybe he’ll offer brain implants to employees so they don’t need to sleep.

If the animal trials are anything to go by, they are more likely to be put to sleep permanently…


Hopefully, our sweet prince of commerce and free speech, and wannabe Tony Stark, understands that his companies need to comply with currently applicable laws currently, and not just in the future. After all, while young at heart, he’s a strapping lad of 51 years.

By the way, does anyone know how part 2 of the “First Amendment bombshell” panned out? Last I checked, more “juicy” stuff was going to be released last Saturday. The only thing I heard, though, was what a bust the “bombshell” was.

:bomb: :boom: :zzz: :zzz: :zzz:


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Let’s see, sleeping at Twitter HQ has kitchen and dining facilities, coffee machines, heating and cooling, bathroom facilities, lounge areas, and more. But that is bad?

Pitching a tent on a sidewalk, no facilities, and using entryways as bathrooms is OK.


There are CA and Federal labor laws (rest periods, payment for rest periods, etc.) and building codes need to be followed. Assuming Musk and acolytes followed labor laws and building codes, then he’s got nothing to worry about.

But seriously, using a 10-year old’s death to make his point has no class or compassion and shows me that his elevator doesn’t reach the top floor.



I’m not saying either Is good or bad. Different issues. As far as I know, building codes apply to permanent structures, and that is a good thing. Tents on the sidewalk is not in the building code enforcement jurisdiction.

Gotta like the issue diversion responses. “But moooomm! The dog ate the cookies, too.”

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Be aware that a new thread has been started in the politics forum.

Feel free to make politically charged comments there!

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“holy false equivalencies, batman!”


Whenever I read about Musk and brain implants, I can’t help but think . . .


How do you open the link in the politics forum? It didn’t open for me.

You must be a member of the Political forum.

Thanks for the link. How do I join?

Click the join button at the top

I tried. It didn’t work. When I click, it opens login window. I login and nothing happens other than logged in.

A question for @CC_Jon then, because I couldn’t replicate this