Thoughts on Elon Musk buying a stake in Twitter?

Thanks. Someone must have waived a magic wand. It worked this time.

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Seeing his tweet from today has me very concerned for our collective future.


The last few days heā€™s gone full QElon. Even targeting former employees and Twitter advisors for harassment. Frightening.


His behavior has been so erratic and seemingly manic the past few years (accelerating with the Twitter acquisition) that I keep expecting him to announce heā€™s checked himself in somewhere for treatment, or maybe started therapy.

But even beyond that he seems to have boarded the crazy train with all the conspiracy theorists and white nationalists. Which are two different things I guess - at least the white nationalists are grounded in (hateful, paranoid) reality but conspiracy theorists are just plain nuts.


Hereā€™s my guess. His health may be declining due to the lack of sleep. Even before acquiring Twitter, Musk didnā€™t sleep much and according to this article in 2021:

Musk seems to think 6 hours of sleep is enough. Maybe in his mind, but I doubt it. He needs to get some exercise too.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Twitter HQ is auctioning off espresso, machines, high end office furnishings, and art pieces. S is placing orders for some eames chairs. Lol.


They had espresso machines? I guess everything Musk is saying about the old twitter must be true.

The auction mostly features commercial kitchen supplies and office supplies like screens, chairs, desks, whiteboards, projectors, computers, etc.

Lots of obsolete junk. Looks like some equipment from another business or two might have been thrown into the mix (typical with surplus auctions like this). The chairs might be Knoll, but they are not very good. More like conference room chairs.

Eames (LCW) Molded Plywood Lounge Chair ā€¦ bidding starts at $50 not bad if in good shape :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Those opening bids are to attract attention, not a realistic estimate of selling price. They have items marked at $25 that retail for over $25,000, and at least one item that retails for over $60K.


Iā€™m sticking with my previous prediction that heā€™s going to be charged with something.

Musk tweeting that he wants to prosecute Fauci must be the next step in his secret genius plan to win back drug companies that have paused advertising.

Nothing sells more prescription drugs like sowing doubt about doctors and vaccines, with a little side helping of LGBTQ hate.


I woke up this morning and checked Twitter. I wasnā€™t going to because of the Bulls terrible loss.

Then I checked out trending topics. ā€œChappelleā€ was trending because I guess he invited EM onstage, where a lot of the crowd loudly booed. Video was posted.

Now some Tweets commenting on the negative reception are having their accounts ā€œdeletedā€. The video is ā€œgoneā€. I hadnā€™t seen the censorship firsthand in real time before. I also question why only certain accounts are getting this treatment.

I put ā€˜deletedā€™ and ā€˜goneā€™ in quotes because right now I see a message ā€œthis account no longer existsā€ by certain tweets. Yet if I click on the profile of the account I can still view it. (in one case a Rolling Stone entertainment journalist; in another a musician with 16.5K followers who tweeted, ā€œ even people paying money to see dave chappelle in this year of our lord 2022 think elon is a loserā€) Those are just 2 examples.

Some video is still on Twitter because I guess people are posting tweets from other platforms like YouTube and TikTok.


I was just about to post this too. It looks like our sweet prince of ā€œfree speechā€ canā€™t stand ā€œfree speechā€ when itā€™s about him.

Thereā€™s a great article on Gizmodo, complete with videos etc of QElon getting booed in SF with Chapelle. I would post the link here, but there are some naughty words in it.

Like E-Loon, as some have taken to calling him, I too shall censor ā€œfree speech.ā€ :rofl:

Holy hypocrisy, Batman!


I think he wants to be loved. But somehow fails to realize that if you promote hate against certain groups, those groups and their supporters are going to hate you right back.

But yeah, Elon supports free speech for Elon and his supporters. Not so much for everyone else.


In case this wasnā€™t abundantly clear, Musk made it so in his response to the incident, tweeting: "The woke mind virus needs to be defeated or nothing else matters. "


Holy oxymoron on an ox-cart!

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While Musk had initially been publicly supportive of Roth, that soon changed after he left the company.

Roth has since been the subject of criticism and threats following the release of the Twitter Files. However, things took a dark turn over the weekend when Musk appeared to endorse a tweet that baselessly accused Roth of being sympathetic to pedophilia ā€” a common trope used by conspiracy theorists to attack people online.

A person familiar with Rothā€™s situation told CNN threats made against the former Twitter employee escalated exponentially after Musk engaged in the pedophilia conspiracy theory.