Thoughts on Elon Musk buying a stake in Twitter?

Just watching the “highlights” of the trials (is that what they are called?) and there seems to be a lot of evidence pointing to the Twitter execs purposely hiding stuff. Even studies by actual well known doctors. Again I’m only watching clips but IF that’s true then I say good. Glad they are being outed.

So the latest hearings showed that nothing was actually purposely hidden, so I’m curious to why you think the opposite is true.


If by ‘trial’, you mean ‘witch trial’ sure! But I think they are called congressional hearings.

I was shocked to find out the Trump Administration spent a lot of time trying to pressure a private company with 1st amendment free speech protections to remove posts that the administration didn’t care for…like Crissy Teigen’s tweet response to a Trump tweet.

I was shocked to find out that Twitter actually changed their speech policies in the favor of Trump to try not to have to remove him from the platform.

I am not shocked that some will do everything they can to not hear that actual, uncontested testimony.


To piggyback on this, I watched the hearings, and the biggest takeaways I got is that Trump tried to get Twitter to kick people off twitter. Twitter allowed Trump to stay on longer than others for even the same language they kicked other people off for. They did admit taking the Hunter Biden laptop off their feeds for two days was a mistake, but it was not because of the FBI, it was because of an argument over their own hacked materials policy, and they reversed course after internal discussion.

Amusing side note was showing that they weren’t “shadowbanning” conservatives. When their engagment dropped it was due to bots being eliminated from the platform.


Must be watching different things as what I saw made them look guilty. Again I don’t follow it much and as I said IF (read that again- I said IF) they are found guilty of doing that then I say good.

I understand, I’m curious to find your sources because it’s interesting to me to see how people draw conclusions. I didn’t watch clips, but the hearing itself.

To clear some things up. There is no trial. There are hearings… there is no “guilt” to be found.


And then IF this is true then I’m glad they are called out on that too.
People get way too much info on these social media platforms and yea spend way too much time on them (me included lol). What this should show us all is how easily influenced we can all be because of it. Miss the days of simpler times lol


I agree - I find it interesting to see how reasonable people can draw vastly different conclusions from things.

Well if they are hearings or trials it doesn’t matter much to be as if whatever is proven then yea I’m glad.

Yup, I watched the unedited hearings, not clips. Amazing how the takeaway is so different if you’ve actually watched all the testimony versus a massaged, edited clip.

Power of social media I guess lol

Speaking of media…. I guess if you watch one station long enough one could see how easy it is to be swayed. I guess this is why I don’t care too much regarding musk. Social media is not real life.

Do people actually workout at Planet Fitness? I thought people just pay the $10/month and then don’t go. :joy:


Ha well us non rich people do…. It was between this and a place that charged $130 a month. And let’s just focus on that I’m actually exercising as opposed to sitting on my couch lol Don’t shame :slight_smile:

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I see you know my daughter… :rofl:

They do that at Equinox as well where they’re paying $205 a month (or more) to not work out.:roll_eyes:

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And it also gets a lot harder to amortize those $800/pair Gucci running shoes too. :grin:

Well, now we know…

Evidently not…

I guess not.

OK, then.

Musk: “sharing where my Jet flies violates My Privacy!!!”


What can I say?


Looks like it’s still working to me. All the fired employees have already found new jobs. Win-win.

Before Musk people complained about Twitter. After Musk people complain about Twitter. Life goes on :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Exactly… again, it’s a social media site… it shouldn’t be this deep