Thoughts on Elon Musk buying a stake in Twitter?

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More headaches for Tesla.

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When the Intercept reporter who acquired this video posted it twitter, twitter restricted the account from showing up in search results. I wonder when that will be covered in the Twitter Files?


Phantom brakingā€¦ My husband calls this sort of Tesla behavior ā€œplaying a porcupine.ā€ Apparently, porcupines being chased by predators can abruptly stop so that the chasing predators would run into their (very painful) quills nose first! :flushed: We know all local spots where such phantom braking can happen when we use adaptive cruise control, so we always turn it off when approaching those overpasses. We donā€™t use Autopilot and have no desire to pay Tesla to be guinea pigs for their self driving. It is aggravating that the issue has not been solved in 5 years since we bought the car.

/*braking not breaking, you stooopid AI. :laughing:

Bottom lineā€¦ keep your distance when driving and keep your eyes on the road. It could be a Tesla playing a porcupine or a cow crossing the road. :slight_smile:


or an actual porcupine.

Since the start of the year, my Twitter feed has been full of dumb tweets from people I donā€™t follow.


No porcupine emoji, so hereā€™s a hedgehogā€¦ :hedgehog:


That shows how poor so many human drivers are as well.

The driver in the Tesla should have been supervising the semi-automated driving at all times. Typically, a false automatic emergency brake event can be overridden by pressing the accelerator.

Most of the drivers behind who crashed were following too closely to be able to stop if the vehicle ahead stops (whatever the reason), as evidenced by being unable to stop before crashing.


Amen. Also shows that AI is no match for a cowboy in his rusted out truckā€¦ :laughing: or a bunch of inattentive drivers. Yet.

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I signed up for that Twitter auction thinking I would bid up to $75 for some not-very-fancy chairs that were starting at $25. About halfway through the day-long auction I took a look at how things were going, and saw that the chairs were going for $1500 each!!

Regardless of the end game at Twitter, it feels like we are moving closer to fraud charges against Musk. Whatā€™s the difference between what heā€™s done with FSD and what Elizabeth Holmes did at Theranos?


On the surface, not much different from what that guy from Nikola didā€¦ fake it until you (maybe) make it at its finest.


Another wannabe Nazi back on twitter.

This is sure to bring advertisers rushing back. /sarcasm


Well it looks like things have settled down at Twitter and Musk is running the company like heā€™s ready to stop losing money.

Nah, just kidding!


Be careful . . . if he reads this he may buy CC just so he can kick you off it.


Just enough hint of actual possibility there to make this joke hilarious!


I imagine many here would self-deport.

Its so weirdā€¦ I donā€™t follow him much at all. I did deactivate my twitter after the last election and covid just because I was so over social media and the news. I did rejoin when he took over just cause I was curious what all the fuss was about. I have been following the stuff going on with the old execs not allowing certain things to be posted or whatever that was (I guess twitter files) and will say that if that if him taking over and exposing wrong doing by those at twitter then I have no problem with that. He is a bit out there for sure but as of right now it doesnā€™t affect my life that much as I donā€™t rely on something like social media to affect it.

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What wrong doing do you think was exposed, and why do you think that?