Thoughts on Elon Musk buying a stake in Twitter?

Yep. It’s the word I mean. He’s a dumb person who thinks he’s very smart and surrounds himself with sycophants who never challenge his thinking. People who have gotten close to him at Twitter and then subsequently left suggest he has absolutely no idea what he is doing.


Oh, I would, absolutely.

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Is it really their call to determine such? Countless users would disagree. Musk has opened the political discussion for all, without heavy-handed moderation that makes political forums uninformative and completely worthless.

Opened it up so much so that users can’t even see the discussion? Lol

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I’m sorry, this guy is both weird and dumb.


This is false.


A “false” opinion? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Because your experience may be different doesn’t make my experience false. LOL

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Musk has not opened the political discussion for all. Musk’s twitter censors speech with which he disagrees. He bans voices with which he disagrees or with which his allies disagree, Chad Loder and Vishal P Singh, for example. Twitter also routinely censors the vast majority of requests by foreign governments to censor voices with which they disagree. He also censors (and supports the harassment of) pro LGBTQ+ posters and groups. He also censors reporters who dare report about him or things he cares about. He also censors competitors and mentions of competitor. This is a partial list.

You may find all this to be acceptable and/or excusable, and you are certainly entitled to this opinion. But in my opinion, it is factually inaccurate to say that he has opened political discussion for all.


Meta is launching a new “text-based conversation app” this week. It’s called Threads and will be linked to Instagram. It may not be a cage fight but it will be interesting to watch this battle for the space Twitter has held.


Just a quick clarification on what’s happening here since you seem maybe a little confused.

You first made a broad statement of fact, which can be proven or disproven:
“Musk has opened the political discussion for all”

That assertion is demonstrably, objectively false by overwhelming evidence.

You then pivoted from that statement of fact to claiming that you were actually describing a personal experience:
“Because your experience may be different doesn’t make my experience false“

Switching your original argument is called “moving the goalpost”. Claiming you’re right when making a different statement than what’s being discussed is called a “straw man”. So you’ve both moved the goalpost and knocked down a straw man.

Your straw man assertion is indeed not refutable - a personal opinion can neither be proven nor disproven. If you had lead with “In my experience Musk has opened political discussion for all”, then that statement would not be objectively false.

So there you have it. Your original statement was false, but your straw man is a personal experience that cannot be disproven.


This isn’t a matter of opinion. He either has or has not “opened the political discussion for all.”

The fact that he suspends accounts of those who have not violated TOS simply because he doesn’t like what they have to say is clear evidence that your statement was false.


Musk’s downfall:

Let’s see how long before Musk takes this down.


If you can’t beat ‘em, sue ‘em.

I like the part of the letter where Twitter causes FB of “poaching” Twitter employees. Twitter layed off 80% of their staff, I seriously doubt any poaching was required.


Pedestrian. Probably why it only has 200k views compared to the Roseanne interview (13M) that was banned on another platform, to which Musk declared “Comedy is legal on this platform!” :joy:


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(***Unwritten disclaimer: Users may be banned from this platform even if their posts are funny and legal. For example and without limitation, those who parody me will be banned even if that parody would be constitutionally protected.)


I mean, she knew what she was getting into so I can’t feel TOO sorry for her, but poor Linda Yaccarino.

What an absolutely pathetic person. :roll_eyes:


I’ve deleted several posts on Soris because of pedantry. Move on.

I don’t think we will need a measuring tape to declare a “winner”, the market has spoken.