Thoughts on Elon Musk buying a stake in Twitter?


You know a lawsuit is being drawn up right now. And I’m sure that tweet above will be part of the response by Meta.

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Meanwhile Musk is claiming Twitter usage is at an all-time high. :person_shrugging:

Is anyone even the least bit surprised that this contradicts what Musk said just a few months ago - that most advertisers were back and Twitter was breaking even?


Super surprised. Shocked. :roll_eyes: :wink:

The meltdown continues:

Don’t do drugs kids!


Some truly hilarious Xs (formerly known as tweets, I suppose) on the topic, but this is my favorite.


Perfect! Of course, I think the movie was a send-up of Musk to begin with.

My favorite X roasting tweet is this one:


Anyway, good to see the new CEO Yaccarino taking over the reins at X while Musk focuses on other things as promised.



What a great way to rebrand - not! Per some trademark attorneys, there is a 100% chance Musk will be sued over his “X.” Because there only so many ways to depict the letter… Just another headache to deal with.

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Somewhat related–saw a bumper sticker on a Tesla yesterday that gave me a chuckle:

“Bought it before we all knew how awful he is”


OK…I don’t know where the “X” came from. It’s not even catchy. But, then again, I might do the same thing if I had a $44 billion dollar toy to play with.

Musk cofounded a fintech company called in 1999, before it was merged into the company now known as PayPal. After he left PayPal, he bought back the domain name and its associated trademarks. The company logo then looked different, though.


He just loves the letter X. The article below forgot one - SpaceX.

Estimates of X’s current value is about 15B, so hopefully Musk’s had 29B of fun so far.

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Twitter sues group that researched hate speech on platform:

In a statement Tuesday, CCDH founder and chief executive Imran Ahmed said the legal threat shows that X owner Elon Musk “will stop at nothing to silence anyone who criticizes him for his own decisions and actions.”
The CCDH’s “research shows that hate and disinformation is spreading like wildfire on the platform under Musk’s ownership” and that the billionaire “is trying to ‘shoot the messenger’ who highlights the toxic content on his platform rather than deal with the toxic environment he’s created,” Ahmed said. “The CCDH’s independent research won’t stop — Musk will not bully us into silence.”

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Honestly, I don’t think Elon cares that much.

The guy has a net worth of $237 billion.

I read an article in the New York Times essentially saying that US government officials and foreign officials are so reliant on SpaceX that they don’t say anything publicly in order to avoid upsetting him. That kind of power goes to your head.

When you have foreign and US governments so reliant on you for one service, I don’t think it matters to him whether Twitter succeeds that much or not. He’s going all in on the joke.

While that could be true those contracts are important to him as well. If his product weren’t reliable and offered at a competitive price I think they would be actively seeking alternatives. It does him no good to have people seeking other providers. I think his influence is largely because his company provides a need. His influence is probably no more than Amazon’s in the retail market place.

It seemed that Twitter clone was short lived

Musk focusing on the important things, streaming his cage match with Zuckerberg on X.

Good luck with that strategy.

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