Thoughts on Elon Musk buying a stake in Twitter?

I’ve always said, a good rule of thumb is to try to live your life in such a way so that Ronan Farrow will never be tempted to write an expose about you! :joy:


I’ve never heard of Ronan Farrow, but his piece really sheds light on the expanse of Musk’s genius, and his value to humanity. Remarkable.

Ronan Farrow is a genius investigative reporter with great value to humanity.


I get both Lex Luthor and Howard Hughes vibes.


I also keep thinking Howard Hughes. Never a great sign when your kid so much wants nothing to do with you that they change their last name. And can’t be too many years before poor “X Æ A-12” is looking to change his first name.


Gee, what a surprise. Megalomaniacal billionaire interferes with geopolitics and national security at his whim. Nothing to worry about here. :roll_eyes:


Absolutely disgusting…IMHO.

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Awful journalism. Not only is Musk possibly the greatest genius in history, this act was quite heroic. The truth from Musk:

“The Starlink regions in question were not activated. SpaceX did not deactivate anything…

There was an emergency request from government authorities to activate Starlink all the way to Sevastopol.

The obvious intent being to sink most of the Russian fleet at anchor.

If I had agreed to their request, then SpaceX would be explicitly complicit in a major act of war and conflict escalation.”

Elon Musk the international diplomat? lol lol lol

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Wow. So Einstein, Newton, da Vinci etc lose out to Musk?

Other than Musk’s self-serving statements, is there anything else that undermines what is being reported?

Multiple legitimate news organizations ran with this story, And Musk apparently has a relationship with Putin:

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Greatest genius in history? Really?


One thing this should make obvious is the danger of government/the public relying on private infrastructure. Basically, we become beholden to unelected people who can do things based on their own whims and desires and not in the public’s interest.


Musk said he shut off Starlink in Ukraine just as the drones were going to destroy the Russian fleet in port. His excuse was that he didn’t want to be directly involved in international affairs.

Since his actions caused the Ukrainian drones to harmlessly wash ashore, he in fact DID take sides in the war.

EDIT: They were underwater drones, so the did not ‘fall out of the sky’, as I earlier wrote. Correction made.

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The news organizations based their stories off of conversations biographer Isaacson had with Musk, so the entirety of the story ultimately ties back to Musk’s statements. Note that the news organizations have updated their stories with Musk’s quote that I provided in my prior post.

Journalists with an agenda are, unfortunately, a dime a dozen. Some news clips are even saying Musk is blaming the Jews for Twitter’s devaluation. Awful.

He blames the ADL for the devaluation, but not the racists who post on Twitter. Awful.


He’s not only blaming the ADL, he is even threatening to sue the ADL to silence them. Another shining example of Musk’s double standard when it comes to his supposed commitment to free speech. He’s all for shutting down the speech of those with whom he disagrees.

The idolatry of this clown is shameful.


“Despite the immense harm ADL has done to X/Twitter, they still will not be banned in this platform, unless they break the law” - Elon Musk

He’s threatened to sue ADL for defamation, even though there is no reasonable claim that ADL defamed him or twitter. (Among other reasons, opinions aren’t actionable.) In other words he is threatening what is commonly called strategic litigation against public participation (SLAPP), the purpose is to stifle speech and debate that he doesn’t like. Particularly, he wants the ADL to quit pointing out what Musk is actually doing. As private citizens go, it doesn’t get much more anti-free speech than that.


“To clarify on the Starlink issue: the Ukrainians THOUGHT coverage was enabled all the way to Crimea, but it was not. They asked Musk to enable it for their drone sub attack on the Russian fleet. Musk did not enable it, because he thought, probably correctly, that would cause a major war.”

— Walter Isaacson

Thanks to X for real-time, accurate information. Another win for free speech.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: